MEPs back call for public inquiry into journalist’s death
MEPs from across political groups have reinforced the call
Help NGOs and local councils appeal the permit for DB project at St George’s Bay
NGOs and local councils have called on the public
Disinformation Watch #21: On a public inquiry into a journalist’s death
On 9 August, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s family called for
Businessman accused of ordering Ján Kuciak murder
Slovak businessman Marian Kočner could be the person who
The Dictator’s Handbook #4: How to gain power and keep it
Whatever system a political aspiring leader finds himself in,
‘The problem is toxic business leeching off taxpayers’ – Jan Kuciak’s editor
The editor of the news portal for which murdered
A personal appeal
A heartfelt appeal made by Rosa Borg is being
PN files motion to strip Tony Zarb of national award
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia filed a parliamentary motion to
Disinformation Watch #20: Joseph Muscat at the UN
Last week, Joseph Muscat delivered his annual speech to
Fish farm slime reappears in St Paul’s Bay after strong winds
The strong winds which hit the Maltese islands over
Meryl Streep applauds bravery of Daphne Caruana Galizia
Three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep paid tribute to the
Environment film to lead discussion on development in Malta
An environmental film called This Is Our Home with
Turkey loses €70 million in pre-accession EU funds over democracy shortfalls
Turkey’s failure to meet conditions to improve rule of
The Dictator’s Handbook #3: Money and the rules ruling rulers
Right, you have decided you want to be a
Politicians need to shoulder responsibility for their words – Jourová
EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourová appealed to politicians to
European court refuses access to MEPs’ expenses
The European Court of Justice confirmed a decision refusing
Revoking Pilatus Bank license saves MFSA formal investigation
The Malta Financial Services Authority narrowly escaped a formal
Editor has €150 million in assets frozen by Italian police in mafia investigation
Around €150 million in assets belonging to Sicilian newspaper
Aquarius degregistered by Panama Maritime Authority
The Panama Maritime Authority has revoked the registration of
Disinformation Watch #19: Unfreedom of expression
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said “I will not allow
‘Who is really betraying Malta?’
Carlo Bonini, the investigative journalist behind the documentary on
MEPs note Maltese authorities’ reluctance to launch investigations
MEPs investigating the rule of law in Malta fear
Casa calls on Dubai bank to release 17 Black information
MEP David Casa has called on the Dubai-based Noor
‘We must resist efforts to silence us’
Journalists all over Europe were facing the same problems
The Dictator’s Handbook #2: The three political dimensions
When we read or watch the news, it is
Activists take their call for justice to Minister’s door
Activists from Occupy Justice said no barriers would stop
MEPs concerned about impunity and corruption in Slovakia
Civil Liberties MEPs said they are concerned by corruption,
Government’s actions ‘shameful and reprehensible’ – Human Rights NGO
The actions of the Ministry for Justice, Culture and
UPDATED: Daphne’s memorial cleared overnight
Updated with photos of a woman clearing away candles
MEPs start visit in Slovakia and Malta to investigate rule of law
Members of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee have

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