400 days of impunity
A banner made up of printouts of articles of
Thousands demand resignation of Czech PM over fraud scandal
Tens of thousands marched to call for the Czech
Disinformation Watch #26: Toxic tactics on 17 Black
The government’s assault on information intensified last week, as
NGOs welcome new residency rights for failed asylum seekers
Human rights NGOs welcomed plans to grant residency status
‘If we remain silent and divided, we will all choke’
In his address to citizens gathered to pay tribute
Government move to limit freedom of information ‘illegal’
The Prime Minister’s defence of Minister Konrad Mizzi’s clear
Occupy Justice demands police investigation on 17 Black
Activists from Occupy Justice lodged a formal report calling
Press freedom NGOs urge Malta to adopt UN recommendations
A coalition of five press freedom NGOs urged the
European Parliament special committee calls for ‘phasing out’ of golden visa schemes
Malta’s cash-for-passport scheme has once again been described as
The Dictator’s Handbook #9: How to make things better
The Dictator’s Handbook is not an easy or uplifting
UPDATED: ‘World Forum for Democracy’ dedicated to Daphne Caruana Galizia
The city of Strasbourg yesterday organised the World Forum
Italian journalists respond to political attack with nationwide protests
Italian journalists organised protests across the country yesterday against
Human Rights experts call for resignations related to 17 Black
Corrupt politicians foster a corrupt nation and it is
German authorities asked to investigate Siemens’ role in bribery allegations
German authorities have been requested to investigate bribery in
OSCE support for Times of Malta’s refusal to disclose sources
The Times of Malta’s refusal to disclose its source
Disinformation Watch #25: Going for broke – 17 Black
Reacting to news revealing the mysterious owner of Dubai
Casa: ‘Lack of anti-money laundering enforcement serious and systemic’
MEP David Casa has flagged the latest revelations on
Matthew Caruana Galizia wins Reporters Without Borders’ prize for ‘Impact’
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) honoured Maltese journalist Matthew Caruana
European Commission warns Malta to step up supervision of banks
The European Commission has demanded that the Maltese anti-money laundering
Minister of Censorship in the midst of the European Capital of Culture
Reżistenza Malta activists pinned the Justice Minister’s face next
No man’s land: Square around protest memorial site also blocked off
The barricade surrounding the Great Siege monument that served
Cyprus says investigations into Maria Efimova unrelated to Maltese case
Cypriot authorities have told the Council of Europe that
Disinformation Watch #25: On ‘false evidence’ and discrediting an inquiry
In his weekly column in newspaper Illum, Malta Today
UNESCO launches Truth Never Dies campaign
The Shift News has teamed up with UNESCO to
‘Impunity prospering in Malta’ – International Federation of Journalists
The case of murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia highlights
Lights out at Eiffel Tower for slain journalists
The Eiffel Tower’s lights were turned off for a
Bedingfield puts his foot in it again
Labour MP Glenn Bedingfield, who is also a member
‘Fake news’ – a government tool
In 2017, “fake news” was the Collins English Dictionary’s
The Dictator’s Handbook #8: Power and corruption
The Dictator’s Handbook emphasises repeatedly how leaders stay in
Banker gets 10 years for billion-dollar money laundering scheme involving Maltese company
A German banker, Matthias Krull, was sentenced to 10 years

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