Miriam the miser and deceiver

Minister Miriam Dalli just announced we’ll be getting a refund from ARMS. They’ve been overcharging us on water and electricity bills for years. But don’t get too excited.  The maximum refund you can expect to get is €8.  Yes, €8.

If all 160,000 households get the maximum refund Dalli promised, our Labour government will pay out €1.3 million to consumers who have been overcharged.

But in May 2021 the National Audit Office concluded we’d been overcharged by €6.5 million.  And that was 2021.  Since then, Labour let ARMS brazenly continue to overcharge us. That €6.5 million must have risen quite substantially.

At most, Dalli is only refunding €1.3 million out of €6.5 million ARMS stole from its customers.  That leaves Dalli with a cool €5.2 million in profit.  Those millions belong to the people.  But Dalli’s decided she’ll keep them.

Labour knows it’s cheating the people. In 2018, Joseph Muscat acknowledged “anomalies” existed and promised to fix them by 2019.  Three years later, ARMS still hasn’t changed its extortionate billing methods.

Since 2017, Darren Cordina and Melvin Polidano have been fighting ARMS in court. Like thousands of other customers, ARMS had cheated them, regularly overcharging them.

When they refused to pay, ARMS threatened to cut off their water and power supply.  They were bullied into paying their hiked-up bills. After five gruelling years for Cordina and Polidano, the court confirmed ARMS was cheating.

The court decided ARMS had broken the law and ordered it to refund the plaintiffs.

Four years after Joseph Muscat promised swindled customers fair billing, Dalli announced in January 2022 that a new utility billing system would be introduced.

More than nine months later, Dalli told parliament that the new system would only “start to apply from January 2022”.  “In the coming weeks,” she declared, “we will be announcing details – work is already underway on the new system”.

Already? She’d had almost two years to work on that system. Dalli had done nothing.  She was quite content watching ARMS cheat the nation and rake in more taxpayers’ hard-earned cash.

In July, her government bragged it was “in the process of finalising all aspects of the new legal notice and, once introduced, it would be backdated to January”.

This week Dalli said, “the legal notice will be published on 10 October”.

The legal notice that was almost finalised in July will be published three months later. Keep that in mind. When Labour tells you it’s “in the process of finalising all aspects” of anything, you know it hasn’t even started.

Labour promised the nation a solution to the bills’ “anomalies” would be introduced in 2019. For three long years, the workers’ party continued to steal money from the workers.

The long-promised legal notice will now be published in October, backdated to January.  As for the money stolen since 2014, the most consumers will get back will be Є8. Who do you think you’re fooling, Minister Dalli?

Dalli was repeatedly asked whether she would refund the money stolen by ARMS. Every time she dodged the question and distorted the facts.

“ARMS always issued bills in accordance with the 2009 law,” she said. If ARMS observed the law, why did the court order it to pay back the money?

Dalli has no intention of refunding that money.  The only way to get your money back is to take ARMS to court – or join the Nationalist Party’s class action lawsuit against ARMS. If you want justice, don’t expect Dalli to give it to you.

That €1.3 million out of €6.5 million that ARMS stole from the people is just over half of what Yorgen Fenech was promised in success fees for the Marsa flyover project.

It’s less than one-third of the €4.6 million Yorgen Fenech made out of Enemalta’s rotten Mozura wind farm deal. Miriam’s Labour can be quite extravagant with its friends.  Not so with the workers who voted them in.

Dalli happily squandered more of our money promoting herself.  She spent thousands just in the last week before the election in fake glitzy launches of phantom projects.

On 20 March 2022, in one of her public-funded self-promotion events, she announced a €4 million project to regenerate il-Pont tax-Shell’. Conveniently located in her district, she promised to transform the eyesore into a safe swimming zone.  Her shameless backdrop, funded by you, read ‘Birżebbuġa kif tixraqlek’ (‘Birżebbuġa you deserve’).

Two days later, she hosted another even more extravagant launch, again in Birżebbuġa. The San Lucjan oil storage facilities, she announced, would be transformed into a new open space and a research and investment centre.

Dalli flew in Giovanni di Niederhausern from Pininfarina to glam up the event, giving the impression that €40 million would be invested into the project.  Weeks later, Pininfarina told The Shift it had “no interest” in investing in Dalli’s project.

Pininfarina’s participation was solely a service rendered to the government, which commissioned it to produce a desktop design.  Dalli spent €152,000 on that gimmick.

Meanwhile, Dalli refused to answer basic questions. Where was the €40 million coming from? Which company was carrying out the project? How was Pininfarina chosen? What was the timeline for completion? Would there be a public call for the works? Were plans submitted to the Planning Authority?

Dalli hadn’t even submitted plans to the Planning Authority. Over six months later, there’s no new open space at San Lucjan.

Neither is there any research, far less any investment. Dalli has been elected now, so she can’t be bothered with that Pont tax-Shell or San Lucjan.

Neither is she bothered with the €300,000 pollinator garden for San Gwann she had promised back in May 2021. The promised carob, almond and Judas trees are nowhere to be seen.  Neither are the bees.

Miriam Dalli delivered a triple whammy. She squandered thousands of euros of our money for self-promotion to secure her election. She’s dragged her feet for years, refusing to change the abusive ARMS billing system.  And now she refuses to refund the money ARMS stole from us.

There are only so many times you can fool the nation.

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El Ninho
El Ninho
2 years ago

@ profs Cassar. You’re wrong! You can deceive a nation many times and continue to get voted in. This country is a classic example!

2 years ago

Miriam the miser and deceiver… … But does that make her an exception, does that make her special?

ROBBER Abela knows and force the shabby status quo at the PL , the political looter..

Patrick Sciberras
Patrick Sciberras
2 years ago

“There are only so many times you can fool the nation”. Labour managed twice recently.

2 years ago

The Minister has no control on any EneMalta monies. The Chinese are in command there. They VETO everything, but the members of the same board have been forced to sign an NDA. That means , keeping there mouth shut or else. The one who stood up during the Electrogas EneMalta Board information meeting and then asked to approve , and did not was shown the door. And they stopped there because she is a Boffa . So EneMalta ripped us €6.5 million of the bills and MILLIONS MORE from the Fuel Hikes when the price of oil was € 80 and less per barrel and the Interconnector was 4 cents a Unit while selling it to us at 12cents a unit. The Chinese pocket 1/3 of the profits and only they know how much more from the ex BWSC ( the Muscat Cancer Factory) that became Shanghai Electric . Millions profits for the Chinese, ALMS from ARMS for the Maltese. Traitors they are.

2 years ago
Reply to  makjavel

Typical: Talk nicely. act poorly.

Francis Said
Francis Said
2 years ago

An ex MEP returning from Brussels and forgot the EU principles, good and transparent governance in Brussels
What a missed opportunity for the Hon. Miriam Dalli.

2 years ago
Reply to  Francis Said

Forget the Hon!

2 years ago
Reply to  Francis Said

They are all Brigata Super One Apprentices. Their loyalty it to the Leader, whoever he is. Their National Anthem is the one sung in North Korea , it did not happen by chance. It was the PL party anthem. Traitors all of them.

2 years ago

The cream of Bogan bullshitters, a brownmouth with no shame and will protect the Mafia as her family. There’s no way ARMS can refund any bills, they’re as broke as they were before the Chinese bought the debt. Shame on you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mick

who knows what we have to pay to the Chinese to get it back. They sold Malta’s Independence to the Chinese.

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
2 years ago

Once Daphne Caruana Galizia called Miriam Dalli a hypocrite. How right she was.

Ġwanni Fenek
Ġwanni Fenek
2 years ago

To drive your point home, the “Pont tax-Shell” press release has been 404’d. The government trying to cover its tracks?

2 years ago

my last arms bill for 2 persons (retired) was Euro 612. SHAME on the corrupt mafia government.

2 years ago

and that only for 2 months 29thJune 2022 till 30th August 2022

Edward Mallia
Edward Mallia
2 years ago
Reply to  carlos

I am also in a ”setup” of two persons (retired), with a small PV installation which has long-passed its initial contract and is now getting a reduced rate (10c6) for its product.. My two-monthly bills are generally in the region of euro 100, which is surprisingly smaller than yours. That apart, in a way the ARMS highway robbery is not being perpetrated at the individual bill stage but in the refusal to square the 2-monthly bills with annual .consumption brackets as stipulated by the law. German consumers have the same system of billing, possibly operated on a monthly basis. But the billing company is bound by law to square the account at the end of each calendar year, and to refund or ask for more at that point.

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
2 years ago

I don’t know why – but some words like ‘fleecing’, ‘swindle’, ‘deception’ ‘trickery’ and ‘fraud’ readily come to mind in some given instances.

Probably, it is not a one-man perception, either!

Carmelo Borg
2 years ago


Charles Bartolo
Charles Bartolo
2 years ago

Honestly, commenting here is not gonna change anything, but at least, I can. The only people who love this current government are die-hard forever Labour supporters and those who have Millions or Billions of Euros. Malta in a matter of 9 years has become Malta of the Rich and Foreigners. There is absolutely nothing for any ordinary Maltese to be happy about. We’re living in a forced positive perception, where every new position of trust or leadership is filled with Labour supporters who promise us that everything is fine… where clearly almost nothing is acceptable! All this construction and traffic are making us feel claustrophobic, the air is heavy and dirty, and every day we hear stories of people making more money, and it seems to be all about Money Money Money. The PL will govern us for many more years with a good majority, so it’s pretty clear that the system is rigged, and the country is being run by a millionaire few, who don’t give a damn about the rest of us! Disappointing times to say the least

J. Kerr
J. Kerr
2 years ago

Notice how she moves around always carrying a large bundle of files and papers. Clearly she is at pains to look super busy and top notch. But then she’s Labour through and through and with Labour always read the opposite. She also sniggers like Muscat and when pressed she’ll quote Labour’s GDP; Gideb fuq id-Dejn u Propaganda!

2 years ago

How much refund is PN giving for the years since it introduced the system themeselves Asshole???

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