Additional garnishee orders against Vitals Global Healthcare top €1 million
A garnishee order of $1 million (€803,645) filed against
€70,000: Garnishee orders filed against Vitals Global Healthcare
Vitals Global Healthcare, the concessionaires for the operation of
Government attacks Archbishop for sharing The Shift News article
Labour MP Glenn Bedingfield launched an attack on Twitter
KPMG International mum on Pilatus Bank following owner’s arrest
KPMG International would not comment on the role the
Gaffarena scandal: putting things in perspective
The events that followed the court’s decision on Tuesday
Adverts for work in Malta in breach of employment laws
Adverts recruiting workers in Nepal and India for jobs
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat ‘stonewalls’ request for whistleblower protection for anti-money laundering investigator
Anti-money laundering investigator Jonathan Ferris continues to be denied
MEPs call on Greece to offer asylum to Russian whistleblower on Pilatus Bank
Over 30 MEPs have signed a statement calling on
Washing machine placed in front of Pilatus Bank accused of money laundering activities
A washing machine has appeared at the door of
Arrest of Pilatus Bank chairman ‘the beginning of the end’ – Jonathan Ferris
The arrest of Pilatus Bank chairman Ali Sadr Hashemi
Desperately seeking silence
Those who love to call assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana
US university honours Daphne Caruana Galizia with Tully Award for Free Speech
Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was assassinated in a
Former Mossack Fonseca client linked to Malta Residency and Visa Programme
Investigations into the proliferation of agents trafficking workers to
All the way to Berlin: Calls for justice five months since Daphne’s assassination
Activist group Il-Kenniesa has teamed up with German NGO
Now Prague: Thousands protest after President’s attack on media
Thousands of people gathered in Prague’s main square again
Proposal to enshrine environmental protection in Constitution ‘sounds great, means nothing’
The government’s proposal to enshrine environmental protection in the
UPDATED: European Commission considering law to protect journalists
Updated to include the statement by MEP David Casa
Burn out: Incineration was a problem then as it is now
Former Resources Minister George Pullicino is gloating on social
Who’s thinking of her?
Nathalie Williams – the woman who was found trapped
No whistleblower protection for anti-money laundering investigator
The shifting of goalposts that has occurred in the
More than 10 court judgments deleted from public record – Minister
There are around 10 court judgments that have been
Why I won’t be taking my ‘awesomeness’ to the women’s march
I woke up to my Facebook timeline today calling
Updated: Judgment on student lawyer deleted from government web site
The judgment on the case involving one of two
WATCH: Malta’s cash for passport scheme under scrutiny
Schemes such as Malta’s Individual Investor Programme (IIP), are
Bigger, bolder, stronger
It is going to take so much more than
Fast-paced economic growth leading to poor standards – employers
Increased opportunity resulting from fast-paced economic growth is leading
Hostile attitude towards journalists is eroding media freedom in Malta – Reporters without Borders
The hostile attitude towards the media in Malta displayed
Malta and Kazakhstan share new link: Henley and Partners
Henley and Partners, the private concessionaires awarded a multimillion-euro

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