WATCH: BirdLife records killing of protected Osprey

A protected Osprey was shot down in Birżebbuġa on Monday, observed by volunteers of BirdLife Malta participating in the annual Raptor Camp.

The Osprey was shot in the early hours of the morning, as the autumn hunting season was launched on 1 September.

Bad weather brings migratory birds down to the island to roost, making them a target for illegal hunting.

The shooting of the Osprey occurred after about four ospreys were noted roosting in the Buskett area the previous evening, BirdLife said.

The organisation contacted the authorities, saying it was told the Environmental Protection Unit was not immediately available. BirdLife managed to pass on details following a third call, but it is understood that neither the bird nor the hunter were located.

“The disregard for the law by hunters that target protected birds is encouraged by the lack of enforcement on the islands of Malta and Gozo and is the reason why Malta is facing legal infringement procedures by the European Commission on the matter,” BirdLife said.

The organisation urged the Malta Police Force to take environmental protection seriously, calling for” a stronger EPU presence with adequate resources and motivation to act fast and decisive in such circumstances”.

The hunting season is open from September to January for around 10,000 hunters.

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J Spiteri
J Spiteri
4 months ago


4 months ago

Fejn huma dawn li tahraqhom zaqqhom ghal annimali?? Fejn huma? Ara kieku kien xi qattus jew kelb mlewh comb kieku kemm xenati w kummenti! Imma dan hobby hu!! Dan ghasfur! Ma ihossx ugigh bhal qattus jew kelb!! Nies ipokrita!!

4 months ago

Poor bird just trying to live its life, on migration making for its winter home, and along comes a criminal idiot and shoots it. Why? What’s the ‘fun’ in killing a defenceless bird? Only twisted and sick people get pleasure from killing. Shame on the killer, shame on Malta government for allowing this to happen.

4 months ago

Since we have a limited number of trees, do we really need the birds? Car exhaust, the metals used in vehicle manufacturing, asphalt, and heat generated from cooling systems—whether from homes or industries—are all contributing factors to rising temperatures. Has anyone ever stood under a tree and felt the difference? It’s clear that Malta needs more mature trees, and there is a budget set aside for this purpose. It is obvious that we want birds to migrate over the island and provide them with shelter, fresh water, and good weather. So, what are they doing about it?

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