One man with two CEO roles and two salaries at tourism ministry

Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti

Two distinct government entities – the Institute of Tourism Studies and the Mediterranean Conference Centre – both of which fall under the tourism ministry, are somehow being led by the same CEO on two separate contracts of engagement.

Although confirming the information, Pierre Fenech would not reply to questions on how much he is being paid for the two separate top-tier government jobs or how he manages to fulfil two demanding full-time CEO jobs at the same time, requiring a minimum of 80 hours a week.

Tourism Ministry Clayton Bartolo is also refusing to explain the appointment of the same individual as CEO at two separate government entities.

Freedom of Information requests for copies of his contracts sent to both government entities have been turned down. They confirmed the CEO position for both entities but refused to disclose the conditions in each contract.

The Shift has now filed separate requests with the Information and Data Protection Commissioner to investigate the FOI refusals.

Before moving to government employment in 2014, Fenech worked at Montekristo Estates – the establishment developed illegally by developer Charles Polidano (iċ-Ċaqnu).

Sources at both ITS and the MCC have told The Shift that Fenech has been in the two positions for several years – since disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi was at the tourism ministry’s helm.

Fenech’s wife, Romina, is a close friend of Michelle Muscat, the wife of disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

In 2020, when state entity Mediterranean Offshore Bunkering Co Ltd was under the political remit of former Naxxar Minister Michael Farrugia, Mrs Fenech was also appointed to its board of directors. The Fenechs vote in Farrugia’s constituency.

In December 2021, The Shift revealed that Fenech had given a direct order to the tourism minister’s brother, architect Gilbert Bartolo. Fenech had told The Shift afterwards that he was unaware the architect was the minister’s brother.

Just a few weeks ago, Fenech also turned down a request to publish the contract of Frank Fabri – the former permanent secretary at the Education Ministry who was asked to resign over the Justyne Caruana scandal.

After the general elections, Fabri was placed in a new senior role as general manager of a new ITS training school. Fenech refused to explain how ITS now has both a CEO and a general manager at the same time.

Fenech is also a board member of another government company, ITS New Campus Ltd, entrusted with the ITS Smart City multi-million-euro project. The project has been on the drawing board for years but has not registered any progress.

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1 year ago

They are running Malta like a soap opera, the ‘High Society tal-Partit Laburista’. Everything goes accordingly to ‘Vitamin C’, where the ‘C’ stands for ‘Connection(s)’.

Looks to me that one of the two CEO jobs is meant to be either ‘symbolical’ or if the person actually does show up for work, would be a ‘part time job’. Nobody, if not risking severe health problems from exhaustion and burnout can do a 80 hours week work.

It is no wonder why there is a persistently and hard refusal on FOI requests because they know that what they are doing is not right and it just confirms what many without wearing the PL blinkers already know.

As long as the PL is in government, nothing of the sort will change, they now feel even more encouraged to do as they please. All due to the landslide victory in the 2022 GE.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
1 year ago

This is another sad news, with more corrupt practices on the line. I believe that the police should act forcefully to breakdown this huge ring of crimes which seems to remain unnoticed in the face of our nation and honest citizens. Public funds are there to make good use of, not to abuse from, for the benefit of these few criminals, because criminals they are. Civil Servants who are responsible for such tollerance must be investigated just the same as they are supposed to be the true guarantors of good practices and not fiefdoms of illicit underground movements. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE PLEASE TAKE NOTE. Show us that you are on the side of honesty and the Maltese who deserve much and much better.

1 year ago

Unfortunately the Commissioner is part of the problem. This is dystopian Mafialand none of these thefts are unique and should be considered the norm. Whilst there is no political opposition these cases will continue for some considerable time unless they run out of money to pay the gahans.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mick

Dik hi il-problema ta’pajjizna li l’opposizjoni mhux taghmel xogholha altrimenti il-lejber qed jdahhal f’rasu li ser jibqa hemm bhala dittatur bis-sistema komunista. Jaghlef lill gahan u dawk li huma greed for money. Ghalhekk il-misthija ma tezistix ghax l’istituzjonijiet corrupted and they can do the way they want. Since when. Imma wiehed ma jridc jinsa liqed jigri kollu huwa htija ta’bniedem wiehed biex jibqa ikaverjat mil-kriminalita li ghamel kemm kien ilu fil-gvern. Il-poplu xeba’ jisma issa. Qabel ma jkun tard wisq irid isir. Illum gejn f’sitwazzjoni li taghmel servizz id-dar, bilkemm tithallas jew tithallas ghax wahda tibza tqabbad avukat u l-persuna li tkun seraq jabbuza b’xi alla falz li jkun jaf.
Biex tmur ghand persuni u wara tinduna li ma jkollomx permess fejn joqoghodu u haga tal-ghageb ghandhom is-servizz kollha tal-gvern ghad disposizjoni taghhom.
Ghalhekk dik is-salvatur mara kienet tghid : the situation is desperate.

1 year ago

Paying thousands and still getting monkeys.

1 year ago

I wonder how mich muscat is not ashamed to show her face. Korrotti ma korrotti u hallelin ta flus il-poplu. Shame

1 year ago
Reply to  carlos

Don’t forget she is one of the crooks from the last administration.

il fesu
il fesu
1 year ago

Ara naghtuhx l Cola ukoll.

1 year ago

If u look at the photo above you can see the one thing they all have in common (apart from corruption) and that is the high forehead, remember the teflon or Tefal advert, anyway this is caused by the greedy feeding frenzy at the trough and causes their hairlines to recede and they also have more face to wash in the morning?

Evelyn Grech Grech
Evelyn Grech Grech
1 year ago
Reply to  Greed

Michelle is very happy with her ‘new’ face, full of botox and fillers.

N Scerri
N Scerri
1 year ago

Tahraq il cash u l popolin ma jistax jitfa cent il bank ghax jigu ta l FIAU.

1 year ago

They are still making hay even though the sun isn’t shining so brightly now !!!

J. Cassar
J. Cassar
1 year ago

Mrs Romina Fenech is Michelle Muscat’s cousin.

joe tedesco
joe tedesco
1 year ago


1 year ago

Another little piggy has joined the trough!

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

There are many more to come this year, another tranche of Euro money has been collected and there will be a mass gorging session till the end of the year. There are so many new gluttons that airbags have been installed under the trough to take the weight!

Brian Borg
Brian Borg
1 year ago

God bless this great nation, adorned with such capable individuals!

Jimmy Farrugia
Jimmy Farrugia
1 year ago

X gargarela għandkom. Jekk huma kapaċi.
Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar Dinglin li.

Anthony T Mamo
Anthony T Mamo
1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy Farrugia

Ic-cucata li int m’intix kapaci tara x’hemm hazin f’dan kollhu.

Rita Camilleri
Rita Camilleri
1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy Farrugia

Hawn nies kapaci ohra u izjed minn dawn imma din kwistjoni ta’ hbieb tal-hbieb kif kien jghid Alfred Sant

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy Farrugia

I just hope you´re being sarcastic because if you ain’t than you must be a gahan!

Noel Ciantar
Noel Ciantar
1 year ago

Chief Executive Officers Pierre Fenech.

1 year ago

It is weird to see that these people happen to be employed or had been employed by someone who is also known to be connected..this one come s from Caqnu. Did they know about the ITS project before?

1 year ago

Unbelievable, hadd ma ghadu jaf jisthi. Keep up with the good work Caroline.

1 year ago

Filfatt jidher bravissimu u dedikat. Hahahahh. Pajjiz tan nejk

C. Fenech
1 year ago

These posts can be found in private industry, no big deal.

L. Meneses
L. Meneses
1 year ago

This person with two CEO positions and I am (highly skilled and experienced professional) struggling to get one job as a clerk. But anyway, asking for fairness it would be like pretending a lion doesn’t eat a deer just because it is cute.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
1 year ago

these people are worse than pigs, with due respect to the four-legged animal!

1 year ago

One salary for him and the other for the one who made it possible… Whoever or whatever it is!

Last edited 1 year ago by A V

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