Fearne’s son gets accelerated promotion

Julian Fearne, 28, the son of Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, has already been put on a government financial package of around €40,000 a year, even though he only graduated in 2017.

Sources at the Malta Medicines Authority (MMA), the government’s regulator on pharmaceutical products, told The Shift that after being recruited as a senior pharmacist almost as soon as he finished his studies at the University of Malta, the health minister’s son was given accelerated promotion to become a Head at the regulator, barely two years from his original recruitment.

Senior MMA officials told The Shift that although a call was issued for the post of Head of Medical Devices at the Authority, staff members were informally told not to apply for the position, a top management one, as it was already taken up by the health minister’s son.

The Shift is informed that Julian Fearne was recruited by the MMA only two years after he graduated, in March 2019, for the position of senior pharmacist.

Normally, the starting position for a freshly graduated pharmacist at the MMA is a grade lower than the one given to Fearne’s son, and with lower remuneration.

Surprisingly, despite his limited work experience while working with other far more experienced MMA officials, Julian Fearne was promoted to Head in January 2021, less than two years after he started working at the Authority.

The new position, given to the minister’s son on an indefinite contract, saw his financial package increase substantially to over €40,000 a year and includes a raft of allowances, financed by taxpayers, including a car, communication expenses and other perks.

Concurrently, the young Fearne also works at a private pharmacy in Paola, his father’s political constituency.

The MMA has been run by 77-year-old government appointee Professor Anthony Serracino Inglott since 2013.

Julian Fearne is not the only one of the deputy prime minister’s children to be put on the public payroll.

Only a few years ago, upon graduating as an architect, Fearne’s daughter, Dawn, was given a €20,000 direct order to provide services for the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation.

At the time of the direct order, 2017, the government agency was headed by Gino Cauchi, a former Labour MP and a childhood friend of Minister Fearne.

The Shift also reported how his closest aide, Carmen Ciantar, was put on a record €163,000 financial package as CEO of the Foundation for Medical Services while conducting his personal electoral campaigns, including the one which saw Robert Abela snatching  Fearne’s expected victory to become prime minister.

Fearne also appointed Ciantar as his chief of staff, breaching the recruitment guidelines of the ministerial code of ethics. The issue is now under investigation by the Standards Commissioner.

It was also revealed that Fearne appointed his political aide’s daughter, dentist Celine Camilleri Ciantar, to a committee that decides who is to be given treatment abroad, despite her lack of experience.

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3 years ago

The “ firm” certainly knows how to look after its own that’s for sure. Dig a little more and you’ll probably find any pet dogs have been given lucrative contracts as safety guards and pet cats as rodent exterminators!

They have no shame or concept of ethics and they will no doubt be back in power to carry on the “ firm’s” good work anytime soon.

robert smith
robert smith
3 years ago


marita Bonnici
marita Bonnici
3 years ago
Reply to  robert smith

dolores cristina revisited 

Charles Spiteri
Charles Spiteri
3 years ago

Maybe that is what is meant by MERITOCRACY. It has been so by both political parties.

Leone Brincat
Leone Brincat
3 years ago

This is definitely untrue. During PN days Nationalists were discarded and Labourites preferred with the intention of getting their vote.

Last edited 3 years ago by Leone Brincat
carmel ellul
carmel ellul
3 years ago

There is no comparison. Just list who are the close relatives in the last PN government that were given such positions?

Charles Spiteri
Charles Spiteri
3 years ago

Does Abela Bertu aka Ali Baba have his band of thieves? We already know of some who are bribing people’s money. Where the hell is Robin Hood, to steal from the rich and give to the pooe?

3 years ago

I always thought fearne was the shall we say clean one in the labour camp but it seems at the very least he is morally corrupt if not financially corrupt but after reading this and other articles about him he is both it seems

3 years ago

I always thought fearne was reasonably clean but it seems he is as corrupt as his other honourable ministers?

3 years ago

Joseph Muscat kien qalilna qabel l-elezzjoni ta 2013 li se jrazzan darba al dejjem il-Korruzjoni min Malta. Li in-nies jilhqu bil-hila taghhom u ma ghandekx ghalfejn tmur titghallab ghand il Ministru biex issiblek xoghol jew biex tilhaq xi posizzjoni……..

Dakinhar jien emintu izda llum kulhadd jaf x’inhi il-verita li gejna nganati (“Kulhadd” li qieghed nifereferi ghal dawk il faxxa tan-nies li ghandom mohh li juzawh ghax sfortunatament hawn nies bmohh illupjat u li kull ma jafu jghidu huwa : viva Labour, Ejja ha nkaxkruwom, dak il-KINK taghna ….)

Li qall dakinar fil- 2013 sar kollox bil kontra.
Grazzi Zowzef.

Last edited 3 years ago by daratta
B Micallef
B Micallef
3 years ago

Kemm nixtieq gejt tifel ta xi ministru jahasra. Kemm kien ikolli hajti iktar facli, minghajr tbatija u tapit ahmar mifrux kull fejn nimxi.

Taparsi partit tal-haddiem, morru xxejjru

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