Reporters Without Borders’ chief and ‘tireless defender of press freedom’ passes away
International press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has
Attacks on independent media continue despite condemnations
Widespread condemnation has not stopped government officials from launching
Malta still among the worst-ranking countries in EU for press freedom: RSF
The latest World Press Freedom Index report by Reporters
Number of journalists killed because of their work lowest since 2002 – RSF
The number of journalists killed in connection with their
Malta fails to meet EU journalist safety recommendations – RSF
European Union Member States, including Malta, must move quickly
Jimmy Lai’s protest conviction only partially overturned
On Monday, Jimmy Lai and six other pro-democracy activists
The Shift joins media leaders worldwide calling for the release of Jimmy Lai
The Shift and prominent media leaders worldwide have joined
Malta’s ranking in RSF’s press freedom index hits an all-time low
The World Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders
Eight international organisations demand proper media law reform in Malta
Eight international press freedom organisations have called on Robert
RSF, IPI call on government to drop ‘vexatious’ cases as The Shift wins first two court appeals
International press freedom organisations have welcomed The Shift’s winning
Slovakia marks five years since Ján Kuciak’s assassination
As Slovakia marks the fifth anniversary of the assassination
‘Climate for freedom of information in Malta has deteriorated’ – RSF
The default position for Freedom of Information (FOI) should
‘The more revelatory her reporting became, the more exposed she was’
On Monday 3 October, The Shift’s founder and Managing
International NGOs sustain The Shift’s campaign against the government’s defiance of FOI law
Press freedom organisations have mobilised widespread support for The
Press Freedom NGOs call for maximum punishment for Daphne Caruana Galizia killers
International press freedom organisations have called for the maximum
RSF delivers global petition urging UK Home Secretary to reject Assange extradition
Time is running out for Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange
‘Our protest is about the state’s attempt at killing journalism’ – Therese Comodini Cachia
The ongoing protest for truth and justice for assassinated
Malta up three places in 2022 RSF World Press Freedom Index
Malta has improved its ranking by three places according
Saviour Balzan’s attempt to discredit independent reporting ‘troubling’ – RSF
Reporters without Borders said Saviour Balzan’s attempt to discredit
Labour Party electoral campaign billboard registered as threat to press freedom
The Labour Party electoral campaign billboard featuring blogger Manuel
Press freedom groups urge government bodies to drop appeals in The Shift’s fight for public information
Seven international media freedom organisations are urging the 30
Julian Assange granted permission to seek appeal against extradition
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday was granted the
Accusations of intimidation leveled at The Shift are ‘absolutely ludicrous’ – Reporters Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders has slammed a government lawyer’s assertions
‘The more I was attacked for my journalism, the more resolute I became’ – Nobel Peace Prize laureate
The work of two investigative journalists, Maria Ressa from
UK High Court rules Julian Assange can be extradited to the US – NGOs condemn decision
The UK High Court today ruled that Wikileaks founder
Court records law under spotlight of six international press freedom NGOs
Pressure continues to grow on the government to scrap
‘Investigative journalists in Malta are still marginalised’ – Reporters Without Borders
“In Malta, I have the impression that journalists, especially
International press freedom organisations ‘will closely monitor’ implementation of public inquiry findings
Five international press freedom organisations have stressed their commitment

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