Comino deckchairs out again as minister’s plan remains shelved
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. As another summer approaches, three
Lands Minister avoiding reply on Valletta premises squatted by PM
Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi is refusing to give
Standards Commissioner passes the buck on minister misleading parliament
Standards Commissioner Joe Azzopardi has passed the buck to
Finance minister and Air Malta hid chairman’s terms for 18 months
It took over a year and a half for
Comino concessions ‘commercially sensitive’ and cannot be made public
It is a strange situation when what is arguably
No permit for illegal Mellieha hotel, PA in a quandary over two illegal storeys
The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) will not be issuing
Bartolo stonewalls parliament on illegal Mellieha hotel that he had approved
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo could not inform Parliament about
Super CEO is not judged by his hours, tourism minister insists
The government is refusing to give details on how
Standards Commissioner asked to investigate Silvio Schembri’s misuse of ministry staff
Commissioner for Standards in Public Life Joseph Azzopardi has
Schembri admits using ministerial staff for his personal constituency offices
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has gone on the offensive
Lands Minister in secret new White Rocks sale talks
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is currently holding secret discussions
Lands minister hides ownership details of three Little Armier beach concessions
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri has redacted the names on
Lands minister withholds explanation on Little Armier beach takeover
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is not explaining how three
Portelli told to wait and follow the rules on Hamrun stadium commercialisation
The government has made it crystal clear that construction

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