Residents’ associations write to PM to overhaul development planning
A number of resident associations have joined forces to
Opinion: Malta’s ignored ecological grief
Malta is in the grip of an epidemic of
Lust for life
Thousands marched in Valletta to protest the amendments that
The big manifesto crunch: what are parties in opposition proposing?
In the interest of preserving The Shift’s role as
The rich pay cheap, the poor pay dear
It was Aristotle who observed that the rich pay
Malta worst in EU for pollution exposure
Over a quarter of the Maltese population reported that
The Jekyll and Hyde of equality
Several times in the early part of his premiership,
Democracy was 2018’s biggest loser
Following something of a 2018 trend, Malta has registered
Malta places poorly in expat safety survey
Malta ranks as the 38th safest country for expats
Archbishop calls on lawmakers to protect quality of life of future generations
Solidarity was the running theme in Archbishop Charles Scicluna’s
Nothing is going to stop Muscat now 
So there you have it. Joseph Muscat is unquestionably

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