MFSA CEO silent as Edward Scicluna would not meet ‘fit and proper’ rules
Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, facing criminal charges in
European Parliament’s rule of law report: ‘We shouldn’t lose sight of Malta’
Rapporteur Sophie in’t Veld (Renew Netherlands) had firm words
From weapon to shield: The long road to an EU law to protect your right to know
As the European Parliament, the European Council and the
Two young politicians – Joe Azzopardi
Roberta Metsola and Joseph Muscat are two of the
Belgian MEP resigns as EP human rights chair over Qatar flight and hotel freebies
Belgian MEP Maria Arena’s position as Chair of the
Roberta Metsola secures European Parliament presidency in landslide victory
Securing 67% of all votes, Roberta Metsola became the
The great deceiver: why Sant’s toxic ideas are always deadly
Three days ago, failed former prime minister and supreme
‘Things must change’ – MEP David Casa given anti-money laundering role
“We cannot expect honest businesses to adhere to stringent
David Casa elected to top European Parliament post
National Party MEP David Casa will form part of
The skill behind the billboards
Electoral results matter more than billboards, which in any
Defenders, deniers, traitors, avoiders: MEP candidates on press freedom
MEP candidates agree that press freedom and the rule
The vote as a message
Many people are wondering how to vote on Saturday.
Bread and circuses at Ta’ Qali
The Eurovision song contest may soon be grabbing more
We’re losing money… and food
This is a guest post by Antoine P. Borg.
The real choices in the European Parliament election
The first leaders’ debate on TVM didn’t matter. We
‘A historic day for those who wish to expose corruption and wrongdoing’
The vote in the European Parliament yesterday for increased
The criminal underbelly
This is a guest post by Antoine P. Borg
MEP elections: 10 proposals for press freedom
A European Commissioner responsible for media freedom, independence and
European journalists demand MEP candidates commit to media freedom
The European Federation of Journalists has launched its manifesto
And what have you done?
“Malta has always been the whore of the Mediterranean,”
Tackling the migration challenge in the central Mediterranean
This is a guest post by Martin Cauchi Inglott
The other party crisis
The meaning of every crisis borrows from others looming
‘Robust progress’ on EU law that will increase rights for Maltese parents
Malta is one of the Member States that will
MEP lambasts political interference in Maltese cultural scene 
MEP Francis Zammit Dimech has once again hit out
Ana Gomes asks Europol to investigate fake news portal
Socialist MEP Ana Gomes has asked the European Union’s law
Roberta Metsola to lead new EU borders law
Maltese MEP Roberta Metsola has been tasked by the
Malta Today allegations against MEP David Casa ‘untrue and impossible’ – auditors
Pro Corporate Services Ltd, certified public accountants acting as
MEPs note Maltese authorities’ reluctance to launch investigations
MEPs investigating the rule of law in Malta fear
Casa calls on Dubai bank to release 17 Black information
MEP David Casa has called on the Dubai-based Noor

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