Government breaks disciplinary code to boost re-election of Rabat mayor
The Office of the Prime Minister has instructed one
Police urged to arrest all involved in Rosianne Cutajar fraudulent, ‘phantom’ job
Malta’s ADPD-The Green Party has asked the police to
Sandro Craus not suspended from public role despite criminal case
The Labour Party Mayor of Rabat, Sandro Claus, facing
Opinion: The dominoes will fall
Sidney Powell was the wildest of Donald Trump’s diehards
Telemedicine doctors forced to work from government construction site
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Doctors and GP trainees
PM mum on status of Melvin Theuma’s fixer’s job
Prime Minister Robert Abela has stayed silent on whether
Melvin Theuma’s ‘fixer’ given new government job, facing criminal charges
Rabat mayor Sandro Craus, facing criminal charges in connection
Melvin Theuma’s refusal to testify
Melvin Theuma has refused to testify against the men
Widespread shock after death of Attorney General’s prosecutor
Shock is being expressed across the country after 43-year-old
Keith Schembri set up new business venture just three days after shamed former PM resigned
Just three days after disgraced former prime minister Joseph
Inquiry into Melvin Theuma stabbing still ongoing almost two years on
Almost two years since Melvin Theuma, the state witness
You’re bankrolling personal fiefdoms
Robert Abela has problems on his hands, and they’re
Of core principles and values
Ramona Attard, Labour Party president, regaled us with more
Justice isn’t a game show
Is there anyone in Malta who isn’t desperate to
It’s no longer possible to separate the criminals from the politicians
Robert Abela won’t take action unless the hitman the
Melvin Theuma finally testifies on much-anticipated ‘hidden’ recordings
A conversation in which self-confessed middleman turned State witness
Degiorgio brothers defy court order, accused of stretching out proceedings
A court sitting on Wednesday ended abruptly as the
Hitman names politicians in Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination
Killing journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was urgent because of
‘A simple double click’: Middleman’s recordings and the lag in court procedures
Arguments with regards to the accessibility of files by
Don’t give me away
Don’t give me away, someone once said to his
Vince Muscat withdraws appeal: A turning point in Daphne Caruana Galizia murder case?
In an unexpected move on Wednesday, Vince Muscat, one
Yorgen Fenech’s offer to pay for own police surveillance if granted bail refused by court
Yorgen Fenech, the prime murder suspect in the assassination
Melvin Theuma: Yorgen Fenech went from friend to threat
What began as luxurious gifts and favours from a
Water, mints, breaks: Melvin Theuma strains through first sitting since stabbing
It was the first time that the courtroom heard
Multi-million euro illegal gambling activity remains unchecked in Malta
An ongoing investigation by The Shift has uncovered a
Inquiry into Melvin Theuma stabbing still ongoing six months later
The magisterial inquiry on the stabbing in July 2020
Court registrar files case against university lecturer Simon Mercieca
The court registrar on Wednesday filed a case charging
Degiorgio brothers’ defence lawyer in hot water over domestic violence claims
William Cuschieri, the defence lawyer for Alfred and George
Focus on Joseph Muscat in journalist’s assassination
Did the prime minister of Malta know who killed

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