All for the price of a cup of coffee
Have you noticed that recently everything is being compared
The Venice Commission is a joke
A recent package of constitutional reforms was trumpeted as
Your right to know, compromised
Malta has fallen another four places in the World
Maltese courts are a continental embarrassment
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) routinely trashes
Who changed Omtzigt’s Wikipedia page?
Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt described being
Albanian government passes law putting online media under State control
The Albanian government has passed two laws that will
Detention of journalists at Castille ‘a threat to press freedom’
The illegal detention of journalists at the Prime Minister’s
The King of Kickbackistan goes full dictator
Joseph Muscat hasn’t just stopped speaking to journalists. Now
EU must intervene to protect journalists against SLAPP
The fact Daphne Caruana Galizia’s “widower and sons are
Calls for Keith Schembri’s resignation after withdrawal of libel case on 17 Black
The Opposition and civil society organisations have called for
Two years of The Shift: Malta’s only newsroom funded by readers
The Shift is two years old. We want to
Twitter ban: ‘Political advertising isn’t about free expression’
Twitter has announced that it will no longer accept
Government mum on Malta’s failure to sign global media freedom pledge
The Maltese government has failed to sign a pledge
Four people charged with Slovak journalist Jan Kuciak’s murder
Four people have been charged with the murder of
Human Rights Commissioner ‘worried’ about excessive use of force by police
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of
International pressure essential for journalists’ protection
Human rights, anti-corruption and media freedom organisations called on
Justice delayed: Report stresses need for concrete action on journalist’s death
The crucial need for a truly independent and impartial
Human Rights Commissioner calls for action to counter attacks against press
Dunja Mijatović, the Commissioner for Human Rights at the
Mapping Media Freedom registers threat against French journalist in Malta
The threat made against a French journalist filming the
Malta one of 70 countries using organised social media manipulation campaigns
Malta is one of 70 countries having used organised
Keith Schembri’s business interests a problem for press freedom – report
The Prime Minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri has
Diverting public attention from the story that won’t die
In the make-belief land of Malta, perception matters more
‘Energetic support’ needed against impunity for attacks against journalists
International press freedom organisations have sent an open letter
Prime Minister’s case against a dead journalist has ‘chilling effect on investigative journalism’
The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights has
Maltese ambassador’s speech on media freedom fails to mention journalist’s assassination
The Maltese Ambassador to Austria gave an impassioned speech
‘When a journalist dies, a whole chunk of democracy dies’ – Sandro Ruotolo
Renowned Italian journalist Sandro Ruotolo has condemned the Maltese
The Shift founder praised for ‘picking up the torch of scrutiny and free journalism in Malta’
Alan Rusbridger, former editor-in-chief of The Guardian, academic, and
The Shift News founder Caroline Muscat wins Press Freedom Award
The Shift News founder and editor Caroline Muscat has
Maltese government told ‘the world is watching’
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have called the assassination of
At least, we’re not Malta
We’re not Malta, fortunately. That was the sentiment expressed

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