Nothing to hide
Frederick Azzopardi, former Infrastructure Malta CEO, insists he has
€12 million spent on consultants as traffic gridlock intensifies
Transport Malta made highly lucrative payments to government-connected consultants
Contractors bag extra €7m for Mriehel underpass, only to create new bottleneck
Commuters are complaining about the new, half-finished, underpass on
IM officials ‘getting rid of incriminating evidence’ before sleaze probe starts
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Senior Infrastructure Malta (IM)
Il-ministru sieket hekk kif tikber is-sejħa biex il-pulizija jinvestigaw lil Infrastructure Malta
This article is available in English Il-ministru Aaron Farrugia,
Minister silent as pressure mounts to call in police to investigate Infrastructure Malta
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The minister responsible for
Skandlu f’Infrastructure Malta: qed jingħataw id-direct orders li ħu uffiċjal ewlieni
This article is available in English The Shift tista’
Scandal at Infrastructure Malta: direct orders being awarded to key official’s brother
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Two private companies in
Record number of Infrastructure Malta direct orders went to usual suspects
Minister Ian Borg and his chosen head at Infrastructure
Revolving doors: public officials who went on to serve big business
In a move that has raised eyebrows, former finance
BOV chairman’s companies raked in €1.4 million in government consultancy contracts since 2013
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The companies partially owned
Infrastructure Malta board: a partisan club
The new board of directors of Infrastructure Malta is
Polidano won government contracts in 2021 despite pending €40 million tax bill
Building contractor Polidano Brothers – the company owned by
Company awarded €0.5 million in direct orders in 1 day provided tents for minister’s campaign
The Events Company, better known as TEC, provided Minister
Taxpayers paid €4.6 million extra for tunnels maintenance
A supposedly simple and straightforward project by Infrastructure Malta
Ian Borg issued 320 direct orders, worth over €6 million, in his last 6 months as transport minister
Outgoing Transport Minister Ian Borg, shunted sideways by Prime
Polidano Brothers loses appeal to retain €20 million Lascaris Wharf contract
One of Malta’s major infrastructure companies, Polidano Brothers, is
Outgoing PL CEO George Azzopardi demands top post at Transport Ministry
George Azzopardi, the former CEO of the Labour Party
€30 million in EU funds at risk as Polidano tax dispute escalates
Malta may be in danger of losing more than
Infrastructure Malta postpones multi-million euro contracts to tax dodger till after the elections
Infrastructure Malta, the government roads agency controlled by Minister
Application for tourism complex on site of former explosives factory in Dingli withdrawn
The controversial planning application aiming to convert an abandoned
Infrastructure Malta admits blacklisting measure ‘limited’ as Polidano set to win €40 million in contracts despite tax arrears
Infrastructure Malta last year awarded Polidano Brothers, supposedly blacklisted,
Know your chickens
It is most unfair. Konrad Mizzi throws a long
Sister of PM’s wife appointed to four different government boards since 2013
Alison Zerafa Civelli, the sister of the prime minister’s
Central Link road contractors’ consortium among ‘frontrunners’ of bidders for Marsaskala marina
A group of wealthy contractors, considered to be very
Two consortia accuse Minister Ian Borg of breaching procurement rules on Gozo tunnel project
A controversial project to construct an underwater tunnel between
Government spent at least €89.2 million on questionable direct orders since July 2020
Just five of The Shift’s multiple investigations into government-issued
Infrastructure Malta doles out further €10.5 million in direct orders in first six months of 2021
Infrastructure Malta, the state roads building agency under the
New €1.6 million Cirkewwa pier still unusable two months after inauguration
A new €1.6 million berth in Cirkewwa, inaugurated by

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