‘Hospital for the South’ still closed despite launch before MEP elections
Aqra bil-Malti An EU-funded €40 million Paola Hub project,
Doctors reveal ‘dire’ situation at Mater Dei
Doctors at Mater Dei have been warned of a
‘The illusion of fake normality has clearly backfired’ – doctors’ association
The doctors’ association (MAM) will convene its council to
Troubling silence surrounding long term impact of COVID-19 on survivors
There is a deafening silence surrounding COVID-19. It may
‘Up to 10,000 people could be waiting for COVID-19 swab tests’
There could be 10,000 people still waiting to take
Questions persist as Authority avoids answers on relocation of Gozo patients to Downtown
A few years ago Barts medical school abandoned an
Urgent call for prefab hospital still undecided one month later
A rushed call last month for a prefabricated hospital
Gozo Hospital staff worried about reliability of coronavirus tests
Medical personnel and patients at Sant Anna, the ward
The biggest battle against coronavirus – getting people to stay indoors
As the Maltese health authorities urge everyone to remain
On rights and abuse
In a video posted online on Saturday, Mario Portelli
The big sell out #2: Dubai company funded Vitals, gets over €1 million payoff
Key findings: A company in Dubai – Mount Everest
Hospital pharmacists on industrial action for third time this year
Public sector pharmacists registered an industrial dispute for the

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