Fort Chambray: Developers say they want to add value, NGOs object
Four NGOs are encouraging members of the public to
Sheep farm application coincides with applicant’s son contesting local council elections
An application submission to turn public ODZ farmland in
Minister splits family’s registered address to manipulate daughter’s election prospects
Labour Minister Anton Refalo is leaving no stone unturned
Gozo Ministry blocks information on Nadur road project
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has instructed ministry officials not
Sanctioning of La Grotta club resurfaces after Gozo Minister takes over PA
A decade after its initial submission, a planning application
Graffitti calls for action on Portelli’s Qala illegalities, demands promised reform
Environmental NGO Moviment Graffitti called for the government to
Buried cave in Gozo: Watchdog still awaiting explanation from architect
Almost a month after an emergency stop notice was
From sheep to goats – Gozo’s ‘suspicious’ farms rise to 633
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The number of sheep and
No investigation of Lands Authority over block of flats built on public land
The government has so far failed to order an
Four storey Għajnsielem flats, shops approved despite case officer refusal
The Planning Authority has approved a permit to construct
Lands Authority tender to legalise public land takeover after false declarations
The Lands Authority allowed a block of flats to
Illegal batching plants to continue without permits for at least 4 years
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Illegal tarmac and concrete
NGO invites Gozo Ministry back to table over controversial Marsalforn road project
Din L-Art Ħelwa Għawdex has called out the Gozo
One architect behind two thirds of Gozo sheep farm applications, NGOs object
Since mid-2022, the Planning Authority has seen more than
10 years, millions later, Gozo elderly residence is almost ready
Dar San Guzepp – a new residence for the
Prime minister’s mini hotel in Xewkija set for planning approval this week
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Planning Authority is this
260,000 LESA fines issued last year, Naxxar tops list of localities
Naxxar is the Maltese locality with the most fines
PA finally acts on Portelli trucks dumping waste in Mgarr ix-Xini
A part of Mgarr Ix-Xini valley in Gozo, is
Opinion: Aiding and abetting abuse
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti John Borg is the Gozo
INDIS confirms inaction on SME park taken over by Joseph Portelli
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has confirmed that an industrial
Opinion: Waiting for the magistrate
On 19 June 2016, Ram Tumuluri, standing next to
Gozo Museum four times over budget, still in shell form
The Gozo Museum project is still at the shell
Mega developers set their sights on Gozo’s Fort Chambray
A group of mega-businessmen, mainly in the construction sector,
Government agency ignoring rampant abuse at Gozo SME park
Instead of taking action over the misuse of public
Gozitan monsignor confirms new government job, declines to give details
Gozitan Monsignor Carmelo Refalo confirmed The Shift’s report that
Government to adopt another bird trapping ‘research’ season, despite EU proceedings
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The ORNIS committee has accepted
More delays at the Gozo Pool as June 2024 is new target date
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The opening of the long-awaited
Malta’s first ‘Green Bond’ to finance project already completed with EU funds in 2021
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Malta’s ‘first green bond’ has
Gozitan archpriest steps down to take government job
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti A senior Gozitan cleric, who
Top finance ministry official given direct order by another state agency
An Assistant Director at the Finance Ministry, Marnol Sultana, 

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