UN tells Malta to take concrete steps to implement Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Several countries have urged Malta to take concrete steps
PBS blocks information on Eurovision costs
Aqra bil-Malti The state broadcaster is refusing to account
Council of Europe calls for prompt action as Malta fails its latest anti-corruption assessment
Malta has still only satisfactorily implemented four of the
Goverment still refusing to detail payments to Saviour Balzan despite The Shift winning all cases
The Maltese Labour Party government is ignoring scores of
Reporters Without Borders urges government to publish FOI study
Reporters Without Borders has urged the government to publish
Freedom of Information requests almost double in a single year
Freedom of information requests almost doubled between 2020 and
‘Climate for freedom of information in Malta has deteriorated’ – RSF
The default position for Freedom of Information (FOI) should
Your Right to Know: The Shift, RSF and Daphne Foundation to debate FOI abuse
The Shift will be holding a public debate on
Identity Malta gives in, reveals €56,000 to Saviour Balzan’s newspapers
Identity Malta has paid Saviour Balzan’s media house over
Sliding relentlessly to autocracy
Robert Abela’s new cabinet was sworn in.  Since then,
International Press Institute urges reform to Freedom of Information Act, supports legal challenge
The International Press Institute (IPI) has expressed its support
Joe Gerada, of FKK Acapulco fame, demands tribunal ban The Shift from asking questions
The former aide of disgraced ex-minister Chris Cardona, teacher-turned-lawyer
Former Central Bank Governor gets lucrative sweetener for role in PM’s Finance Ministry shuffles
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s decision last year to oust
Mario Cutajar refuses to explain why he lied about Muscat’s resignation letter
Mario Cutajar, head of the civil service, is refusing

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