The government’s crisis management tactics remain unchanged
Over the last couple of weeks,  government officials have
Prime minister renews commissioner for justice, despite ongoing criminal court case
Prime Minister Robert Abela has approved the renewal of
Protest demands action against corruption
The magisterial inquiry on Pilatus Bank finalised more than
Insight into conclusions of Pilatus Bank inquiry as Repubblika files judicial protest
A judicial protest has been filed this morning by
NGO Repubblika calls out PN’s home affairs spokesperson, former Pilatus Bank lawyer, Joe Giglio
Following a public appearance in which the Nationalist Party’s
Treasury issues €252,000 in direct orders to former Nexia BT partner
Anita Aloisio, until 2017 was one of four partners
How positivity ebbs
The ever positive former prime minister Joseph Muscat is
Parallel scandals
The former prime minister was sentenced to 12 years
Egrant was a house of mirrors
The Shift’s recent investigation into Egrant revealed how the
Finding Egrant: What we know now
Egrant almost ended up owned by a Brazilian, which
Conclusions on Hillman-Schembri ‘graft’ inquiry expected shortly
Legal problems connected to disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph
Special rapporteur urges AG to take ‘effective action’ on inquiries
Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt has urged
Former Economic Crimes Unit chief admits to police inaction on scandals
The second testimony of Ian Abdilla, the former head
The price of corruption is coming home
Every ‘larger than life’ figure has its trademark. With
Muscat’s former aide and security another who said and saw nothing
Another two staff members of former prime minister Joseph
Former FIAU investigator Jonathan Ferris testifies in public inquiry
Former Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit investigator Jonathan Ferris today
The Attorney General replies on Egrant inquiry criticism
In an article entitled ‘Attorney General acted ‘irresponsibly’ on
Attorney General acted ‘irresponsibly’ on Egrant inquiry – Vincent De Gaetano
The publication of the Egrant inquiry report has raised
New prime minister has to defend the truth to create stability
Thousands of people gathered outside the law courts to
Just say no, Joseph
Just because someone offers you something doesn’t mean you
Who said what on The Shift? The 10 most memorable quotes from 2019
1. “The best way to protect journalists is to
2019 in numbers
Egrant: ‘The most expensive cover up in Malta’s political history’
You won a difficult battle in court and gave
Manipulation of the Egrant inquiry
Now we know why Joseph Muscat held back publication
Living in bubbles that burst
Opposition leader Adrian Delia has won the Constitutional case
Hundreds pay tribute to Caruana Galizia at vigil
Hundreds of people holding candles and photos stood in
Pieter Omtzigt calls out Joseph Muscat’s unfulfilled promise on Egrant inquiry
The demand for the full publication of the Egrant
Opposition Leader calls for AG’s resignation following Egrant ruling
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia this morning won the right
Europe is worried about Joseph Muscat
This week’s European Parliament delegation’s urgent fact-finding mission to
Protest moves to police headquarters
Protests calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Joseph

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