Opinion: empty boasts
Silvio Schembri bragged on Facebook: “Official EU statistics published
Food prices are up again despite ‘historical social pact’
The government’s agreement with supermarket owners and food importers,
Labour MP named in bank heist given job at Mriehel Industrial Estate
Former foreign minister Carmelo Abela, named several times in
Sofia inquiry: Despite Malta Enterprise’s ‘incompetence’, chair won’t resign
Malta Enterprise Chairman William Wait will not resign from
Sofia inquiry: PN calls for ministers’ resignations as Abela commits to reform
Opposition leader Bernard Grech has called for the resignation
€11 million spent outfitting MBR Zejtun offices on top of €26 million lease
The Economy Ministry has spent more than €11 million
€130,000 spent on marketing Stabbiltà scheme, government shy on details
The government has spent some €130,000 to promote the
Government keeps food agreements hidden
The government refuses to publish the agreement it signed
Fish farm conglomerate allocated additional public land for expansion
Aquaculture Resources Ltd., a conglomerate formed between Azzopardi Fisheries
Opinion: Labour’s aura of secrecy
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. “Falsehood flies, and truth comes
INDIS confirms inaction on SME park taken over by Joseph Portelli
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has confirmed that an industrial
Malta received €1.6 billion in EU funds in last 10 years
Malta has received some €158 million of EU funds
Malta Business Registry issues more fines but collects less
The Malta Business Registry has almost doubled the value
What ministerial code of ethics? Dalli makes Galdes’ wife a WasteServ director
The wife of Social Accommodation Minister Roderick Galdes, Joanne
Creating reality one rubbish bin at a time
The government of Malta has been scolded again for
Minister’s chief of staff appoints brother’s girlfriend in senior position at Lands Authority
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has allowed his Chief of
AUM to be sold public land despite breach of licence conditions
The owners of the failed American University of Malta
Silvio Schembri still refuses to answer questions about €31 million lease for MBR offices
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri continues to refuse to provide
Lands Minister fails to provide parliament with answers on Joseph Muscat’s Sa Maison office grab
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri, who is responsible for the
Refused: FOI request to disclose ‘prohibitive’ €31 million MBR rental contract
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has once again turned down

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