UN tells Malta to take concrete steps to implement Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Several countries have urged Malta to take concrete steps
Opinion: Abela never learns
David de Pape was condemned to 30 years imprisonment. 
Key information about FOI Act omitted in letter to Council of Europe
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard sent a letter to the
Opposition launches motion for media reform parliamentary committee
On the sixth anniversary of the assassination of Daphne
Parliament summer recess, prime time for sneaking in legislation
When Culture Minister Owen Bonnici issued Legal Notice 201/23
Kitchen cabinet: Schembri files constitutional case against PAC members
As threatened on Tuesday, disgraced former prime minister Joseph
Police protection sought for Repubblika President Robert Aquilina
Lawyer Therese Commodini Cachia has sent a letter to
Keith Schembri’s PAC testimony stalled as constitutional case is to be filed
Joseph Muscat’s former chief of staff Keith Schembri’s third
Caruana Galizia public inquiry recommendations not being implemented in good faith – CoE report
The annual report by the Council of Europe’s Platform
The inversion of facts, one opinion piece at a time
When local experts or international entities speak out against
Government targets events commemorating Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination
While various events, both locally and abroad, are underway
Government waters down board of inquiry’s protection for journalists
Even after the government-appointed committee of media experts submitted
Prime minister urged to publish proposals for press freedom reform
The Shift has joined over a hundred individuals, including
The curious case of those who know nothing
How many times must we witness the very people
Robert Abela’s alternate reality on Twitter
Twitter, along with other social media platforms, often forms
Deeds not words
Prime minister Abela bragged, “We are not afraid of

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