Former Enemalta Chair admits Montenegro wind farm deal was not in Malta’s interest
Jonathan Scerri, Enemalta chairman between 2021 and 2022, admitted
Court throws out decision on €600 million incinerator
Aqra bil-Malti. Multinational consortium Hitachi-Terna has won the appeal
Wasteserv downplays sensitive data sharing in incinerator tender, calls case ‘fishing expedition’
Government waste management company Wasteserv and the Department of
No safeguards for ‘irregular’ €600 Million incinerator tender bidders circumventing rules
The government’s electronic procurement system, which published in February
Malta’s €600 million incinerator project: conflicts, accusations and controversy
This week’s close scrutiny of a €600 million contract
Police refuse to answer on lack of independent investigation into hospitals deal
The Malta Police Force has failed to answer questions
Air Malta consultancy raises questions on ‘collusion’ to retain top management
Air Malta’s engagement of aviation consultancy firm Knighthood Global
Air Malta: chairman’s contract under wraps, former staff claim discrimination
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana, who is currently piloting Malta’s
She’s against me – Kevin Cassar
“She’s against me,” Joseph Muscat declared in court referring
Flip-flopping Abela
On 24 February 2023, after a devastating court judgement
Still pleading that they are not crooks – Jacques René Zammit
Adrian Delia was asked whether the Vitals judgment was
Protesters outraged over hospitals deal and verdict pack Freedom Square
Hundreds of protesters incensed over Friday’s Vitals-Steward hospitals concession
Abela slammed for €300 million hospitals swindle, PM passes the buck to Muscat
The Nationalist opposition this evening called upon the Labour
Grech, Delia challenge PM to come clean to the House on hospital deals role
Opposition leader Bernard Grech and MP Adrian Delia are
Caruana Galizia’s 2015 reporting on hospital deal ‘vindicated’, says Foundation as reactions roll in
The judgement rescinding and annulling all three agreements and
Fraudulent: court orders Steward to return hospitals to the people in scathing judgement
The largest ever deal a Maltese government has ever
Gozo General Hospital: exposed wires and no fire door despite recent blaze
The government does not appear to be getting much
MPs take €21m oncology tender to court after letter of complaint is ignored
Opposition MPs Adrian Delia and Alex Borg have filed
Opposition MPs oblige Contracts Department to probe €21m oncology tender
Opposition MPs have called on the Director General of
Desperate grandstanding: PN’s dismissal of civil society
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday, without a
MIU6 ward at Mater Dei: ‘Showers look like patients are at a camping site’
Patients recovering at Mater Dei Hospital’s MIU6 (Major Incident
From warriors to wimps?
The Nationalist Party was founded in 1880 by Fortunato
Institutionalised hypocrisy
For the past four weeks, we’ve had to sit
Ram Tumuluri suspected of replicating ‘fraudulent’ Malta VGH model in Mumbai
A public procurement contract issued through Mumbai’s civic transport
Bangladeshi businessman contradicted by Yorgen Fenech chats
Bangladeshi businessman and Cabinet advisor Salman Rahman’s comment to
PN files judicial protest against government over ‘fraudulent and corrupt’ Steward Healthcare deal
The Nationalist Party announced in a press conference held

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