Fishy data: Commissioner Karmenu Vella urged to improve enforcement
Most of us try to avoid waste when it
V18 chairman causes diplomatic rift
The Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Stef Blok has been
Daphne’s assassination was ‘planned and premeditated long in advance’
Pieter Omtzigt who is preparing a report for the
Joseph Muscat turns his back on Labour online hate groups
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on Monday evening in
‘Withdraw warrants of Brian Tonna and Karl Cini’ – MEP David Casa
The Accountancy Board should convene a disciplinary committee to
EP President dedicates journalism award to Daphne Caruana Galizia
During an international journalism awards ceremony held in Sorrento,Italy,
Press freedom: ‘Expecting the truth is the only duty we have’
Italian investigative journalist Paolo Borrometi, the recipient of journalism
UPDATED: Spain again offers help with migrant rescue vessel
Spain has been in contact with Malta to offer
UN Human Rights Council discusses violence against women and the rule of law in Malta
The UN Human Right Council must ensure a full
End of finch trapping in Malta…finally!
Malta lost its case on finch trapping at the
World Refugee Day: Governments obstructing media coverage of refugees
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) marked World Refugee Day by
WATCH: ‘This is our home’
A video by renowned film-maker Pierre Ellul draws attention
UN Special Rapporteur draws Human Rights Council’s attention to disinformation and hate speech
Disinformation and propaganda are challenging access to information and
Socialist MEP slams European Commission’s response to medical visas scandals
Socialist MEP Ana Gomes criticised the European Commission’s (EC)
Prime Minister dodges questions, remains member of online hate groups
The Prime Minister avoided telling Parliament he remains a
Aquarius crisis reignites cross-party racism
Last week’s diplomatic row between Italian interior minister Matteo
Italy’s hardline approach reflects breakdown in regional cooperation on migration – HRW
The recent refusal of the Italian government to allow
‘Uccisa in Nome della Verità’: Book on life and work of Daphne Caruana Galizia translated into Italian
Following the success and display of solidarity last November,
Activists plant ‘Tree of Justice’ outside Prime Minister’s office
A ‘Tree of Justice’ was planted outside the Prime
Francis Zammit Dimech: Whistleblower protection benefits all EU citizens 
MEP Francis Zammit Dimech has been entrusted by the
Attard residents unite to block new roads project
Attard residents have created a united front as they
European Commission wants MFSA investigated over conflicts of interest
The European Banking Authority (EBA) should assess whether the
Justice Commissioner targets Malta’s record on corruption, money laundering and security
European Commissioner for Justice Vĕra Jourová criticised Malta’s track
Maria Efimova wins case, no extradition to Malta
The request for the extradition of Pilatus Bank whistleblower
‘The consequence for those who want to silence journalists must be public outrage’
If those wishing to silence journalists understand that the
MEP report slams lack of action by police
MEPs investigating the rule of law in Malta were
Judge rules Deputy Police Commissioner should step away from journalist’s murder investigation
Assistant Police Commissioner Silvio Valletta should not be involved
Tensions between Malta and Italy rise as migrant rescue ship refused entry into Valletta 
Relations between Malta and Italy are at an all
Disinformation Watch #5: Government surplus, information deficit
It has become impossible to talk about the economy

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