A strong society needs free, unshackled journalists
A strong society needs transparency and freedom of information
‘If journalists are silenced, so is democracy’, European Commission warns
The European Commission has once again called for “the
‘We need to know the whole truth about my mother’s assassination’ – Andrew Caruana Galizia
The mastermind who commissioned journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination
‘We are Daphne’: New music video pays tribute to slain journalists
It has been a year since Daphne Caruana Galizia
Press freedom NGOs demand ‘firm commitment’ from government
Leading press freedom NGOs are calling on Prime Minister
Exhibition: speaking to Daphne
A series of interview-portraits with the subjects sending a
‘You are not alone and we will not forget’ – Reporters Without Borders
By Rebecca Vincent, UK Bureau Director for Reporters Without
International press freedom NGOs visit protest site blocked off by government
Representatives of leading names in international organisations working on
Council of Europe rapporteur calls out government officials avoiding him
Government officials have still not confirmed meetings with the
Allegations against MEP David Casa “false” – staff
All staff members at the office of PN MEP
UPDATED: Events to mark one year since Daphne’s death
As the one year anniversary of the murder of
60 journalists demand to know ‘who killed Daphne?’
Sixty Italian journalists have signed a declaration demanding the
Former Labour deputy leader, now judge, was Pierre Darmanin’s lawyer
The former deputy leader of the Labour Party who
Turkish officials say Saudi journalist killed on order of crown prince
Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated in the Kingdom’s
MEPs back call for public inquiry into journalist’s death
MEPs from across political groups have reinforced the call
Bulgarians mourns slain journalist amid calls for international independent investigation
Bulgarians across the country mourned the death of 30-year
Daphne Caruana Galizia had named the man who called her on fuel smuggling
In October 2016 – the time when The Daphne
International experts to scrutinise Malta’s legal and institutional structures
The Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of
Press freedom a major concern in UN review of human rights in Malta
PEN International has highlighted concerns on four main areas
Help NGOs and local councils appeal the permit for DB project at St George’s Bay
NGOs and local councils have called on the public
Call for protection for murdered Bulgarian journalist’s colleagues
International organisations are calling for a full investigation into
The tuna kingpin: No public accounts for 18 years
AJD Tuna Ltd, one of the largest operators in
Businessman accused of ordering Ján Kuciak murder
Slovak businessman Marian Kočner could be the person who
Joe Gerada drops German brothel cases against Daphne Caruana Galizia
Joe Gerada has dropped libel cases he had filed
Facebook could face a $1.6 billion fine over massive data breach
The Irish Data Protection Commission has opened a formal
Brussels to force Malta to improve anti-money laundering efforts
The European Commission is preparing to issue binding demands
‘The problem is toxic business leeching off taxpayers’ – Jan Kuciak’s editor
The editor of the news portal for which murdered
PN files motion to strip Tony Zarb of national award
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia filed a parliamentary motion to
Suspect who paid €70,000 for Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak’s murder arrested
A female suspect paid €70,000 for the murder of
One dog saved, 1,700 lives lost
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was tweeting about a dog

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