Pope Francis rules out death penalty in change to Church teaching
The Catholic Church has declared itself against the death
Domestic violence in Malta – a sorry state of affairs
In 2017 alone, there were 1,257 reports of domestic
‘Who killed Daphne?’ debate in London
A documentary focusing on the motives behind the assassination
Directive on whistleblower protection submitted to the Commission
Whistleblowers’ reports should be quickly and seriously investigated and
Nothing is going to stop Muscat now 
So there you have it. Joseph Muscat is unquestionably
Azerbaijan should free political prisoners before closing EU deal
Index on Censorship welcomed a European Parliament recommendation for
Journalist abducted in Libya found – bound, tortured and 13 bullet wounds
The body of a Libyan journalist abducted on Tuesday
Malta needs to focus more on marine micro-litter
Malta needs to better address the issue of micro-litter
Major deficiencies in SOCAR tendering process – report
Anti-corruption organisation Global Witness raised significant concerns about the major
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
There is one “ruthless mastermind” the country is after

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