European Parliament approves start of proceedings against Hungary
The European Parliament voted in favour of initiating Article
‘Europe must remain a tolerant, open continent’ – Juncker’s State of the Union
Migration dominated European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s fourth annual
An act of resistance
There’s a scene in a film called Matilda –
‘Europe’s priority is to reduce irregular migration at all cost’ – report
Europe’s priority is to reduce irregular migration regardless of
‘Deeply concerning’ that Malta asked to remove mandate of special rapporteur investigating journalist’s death
The EU Representative and Advocacy Manager at The Committee
Further delays in case against MV Lifeline
The court hearing against the captain of the rescue
It’s not freedom when you have no choice
Public land does not stop being public just because
‘Impunity’ is greatest challenge to journalists’ safety’ – Human Rights Council
The safety of journalists around the world continues to
Black fish: Lack of marine governance killing traditional fisheries – report
The “neoliberal rationalisation” of the Maltese fishing fleet and
Is the wanted ‘professor’ dead?
Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese ‘professor’ formerly based in London

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