In the name of free speech
Over the weekend, Law Commissioner Franco Debono unleashed a
Government refuses to publish secret deal to transfer prime public land
The government should immediately publish the secret Memorandum of
Partit Demokratiku to file objection on development in Villa Frere area
Partit Demokratiku (PD) said it will be filing an
Shut up and be positive
Just when you thought you’d heard it all –
Tough measures axed in EU report on cash-for-passport schemes
The European Commission’s report on cash-for-passport schemes that called
‘Democracy is in retreat’ – Freedom House report
Democracy is declining across the world in a pattern
Which Malta will it be?
“All foreigners who don’t like it can muck off
‘EU must take action to stop the silencing of the press’
Justin Borg-Barthet, a senior lecturer in EU Law at
WATCH: Super Bowl ad in defence of press freedom – ‘Knowing keeps us free’
The Washington Post, whose columnist Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated

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