Too many errors of judgment
We’ve heard this line before: as long as nothing
Impunity is the name of the game
The closing remarks of the Council of Europe’s Special
Grieving Caruana Galizia family forced to litigate for launch of public inquiry
The Maltese government is accused of being in breach
The march of the dark brigade
How can journalists fight back against threats and violence?
A darkening horizon
Liberal critics of the current state of Maltese politics
Where were you?
This is a guest post by Arnold Cassola. The
Michelle Muscat in outfit by prison labour scandal designer
Mary Grace Pisani, the close friend of Michelle Muscat
WATCH: When the State whips up a cycle of hate against its critics
Daphne Caruana Galizia had been a target of hate
The great pretenders
The walls are closing in on Malta — but
Council of Europe calls for robust action against government corruption in Malta
The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption

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