No explanation in parliament on Ministers’ access to secret Egrant inquiry
Justice Minister Owen Bonnici has failed to answer questions
Russian police drop charges against investigative journalist
Investigative journalist Ivan Golunov was released from house arrest
Another hot, crowded summer
For most people, Sette Giugno is a holiday. It
Proposed law on State Advocate ‘falls short of Venice Commission requirements’
As Parliament was debating a Bill on Tuesday to
Latvian bank linked to criminal network was pitching Maltese passports
Latvian bank ABLV, linked to money-laundering activities with Pilatus
Decline in press freedom linked to State capture of institutions in Europe
One of the biggest threats to press freedom in
Incompetent workers, lack of regulation leading to construction industry ‘chaos’
The Chamber of Architects has described the collapse of
Maltese among those named in Caruana Galizia family’s report to Latvian authorities
Maltese citizens are among those named as members of
If you’re consistent, you’re not credible
Every so often, we get an arresting view of
Setting the record straight
A report by Freedom House on the global decline

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