‘Holistic plan’ for Comino still in the works, six years after management plan was published
Carrying capacity studies for Comino, meant to determine whether
Former chairperson of Enemalta insists board was following recommendations on Electrogas decision
The former chairperson of Enemalta’s board of directors, Charles
Konrad Mizzi’s former right hand man will now oversee millions of euros in EU funds
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malta hawn. Ronald Mizzi, the permanent
Randolph Spiteri still listed as head of operations at Correctional Services Agency despite transfer claims
Contrary to the home affairs ministry’s declaration that the
‘The extent of preventable loss of life and human suffering at international borders remains alarming’ – UN
The “regrettable trend” of the legitimisation of push-back practices
ESKLUSSIVA: Il-Gvern sfurzat iċedi lil tad-Dubai u jagħti konċessjoni fi Smart City minħabba l-ftehim mal-AUM
Read the article in English here Il-gvern tad-Dubai, ix-shareholder
The businessmen and hangers-on behind Muscat’s MFA presidency bid
A group of businessmen and former aides very close
18 cabinet members committed breach of ethics when publishing partisan supplements on PL newspaper – Commissioner
An investigation by the Standards Commissioner into whether government
The thoughtless slave is a happy slave – Kevin Cassar
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. “None are more
It-trasferiment tal-kirjiet lil terzi qed iġib straġi kbira fil-komunità agrikola
Read the article in English here. Hemm komplikazzjoni oħra

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