Beyond the trees: Residents opposing Central Link Project raise alarm on impact on farmers
A total of 47 registered farmers will be affected
Disinformation Watch #8: ‘Gaslighting’ – The changing lies on Rabat Road trees
The government’s original plan to upgrade the ‘Rabat Road’
V18 chairman causes diplomatic rift
The Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Stef Blok has been
‘Withdraw warrants of Brian Tonna and Karl Cini’ – MEP David Casa
The Accountancy Board should convene a disciplinary committee to
EP President dedicates journalism award to Daphne Caruana Galizia
During an international journalism awards ceremony held in Sorrento,Italy,
When the positive turns negative: The PN’s mission to please Labour
The Nationalist Party’s new leadership is silent on Malta’s
UN Human Rights Council discusses violence against women and the rule of law in Malta
The UN Human Right Council must ensure a full
Disinformation Watch # 7: ‘Pinkwashing’ – The LGBTIQ smokescreen
LGBTIQ people in Malta are finally winning recognition and
World Refugee Day: Governments obstructing media coverage of refugees
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) marked World Refugee Day by
WATCH: ‘This is our home’
A video by renowned film-maker Pierre Ellul draws attention
Prime Minister dodges questions, remains member of online hate groups
The Prime Minister avoided telling Parliament he remains a
Aquarius crisis reignites cross-party racism
Last week’s diplomatic row between Italian interior minister Matteo
‘Uccisa in Nome della Verità’: Book on life and work of Daphne Caruana Galizia translated into Italian
Following the success and display of solidarity last November,
Activists plant ‘Tree of Justice’ outside Prime Minister’s office
A ‘Tree of Justice’ was planted outside the Prime
Francis Zammit Dimech: Whistleblower protection benefits all EU citizens 
MEP Francis Zammit Dimech has been entrusted by the
Attard residents unite to block new roads project
Attard residents have created a united front as they
European Commission wants MFSA investigated over conflicts of interest
The European Banking Authority (EBA) should assess whether the
The Shoreline: Luxury living, unparalleled views, curious happenings
Rushed changes to planning laws to accommodate the residential
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Disinformation Watch #5: Government surplus, information deficit
It has become impossible to talk about the economy
Pilatus whistleblower claims Azeri billionaire is behind 17 Black
Pilatus Bank whistleblower Maria Efimova has claimed that Manouchehr
Police union chief leaves secret Labour online group
The head of the GWU’s police union, inspector Sandro
European Parliament concerned about lack of progress in Daphne Caruana Galizia investigations
The European Parliament on Tuesday expressed its concern on
Police Union chief’s selective condemnation of hate speech
The head of the GWU’s police union, inspector Sandro
Disinformation Watch #4: ‘traitors’ and ‘enemies of the state’
In a disinformation strategy as old as populism itself,
Magistrate handling Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry to be promoted, forced to abandon case
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said it regretted that Magistrate
Il-King ta’ Malta: Muscat worship and Labour hate groups
Worship of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is reaching unprecedented
Disinformation Watch #3: How the government manufactured Mark Montebello story to discredit Archbishop
Mark Montebello, a Dominican friar who unlike other clerics

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