Higher education licencing chair resigned after three months for ‘personal reasons’
The sudden resignation of Prof John Portelli as the
Hospitals scandal: Joseph Muscat shifts blame from him and government to corruption by ‘third parties’
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat, on whose watch the
Caruana Galizia’s 2015 reporting on hospital deal ‘vindicated’, says Foundation as reactions roll in
The judgement rescinding and annulling all three agreements and
Fraudulent: court orders Steward to return hospitals to the people in scathing judgement
The largest ever deal a Maltese government has ever
Tosca opera to cost taxpayers €400,000, costs split between the Manoel and the VCA
Culture Minister Owen Bonnici has directed two of his
Former Wallonia minister guilty of laundering money through Malta and corruption in Africa
A former minister of Wallonia and mayor of Waterloo,
Lands minister defends Mellieha public land grab deal for mega developers
Minister responsible for lands Silvio Schembri is refusing to
Portelli and clan served with stop notice hours after BCA chair’s resignation
The Gozitan rogue developers’ clan headed by construction magnate
Project Green Steve Ellul endorsement irking Labour MEPs as election nears
Incumbent Labour Party MEPs now in the final stages
Strange clause points to underhand deal for precious Mellieha green area
A Lands Authority tender for the sale of a
MTA ‘demotes’ Lionel Gerada from one directorship to another, minister claims
The Malta Tourism Authority’s notorious event organiser Lionel Gerada
Thousands more in direct orders for Keith Schembri and Vincent Marmara
The University of Malta and the Malta Gaming Authority
Valletta Cultural Agency does not disclose budget for Mary Spiteri do
The Valletta Cultural Agency is not providing details on
Gozo General Hospital: exposed wires and no fire door despite recent blaze
The government does not appear to be getting much
Prime Minister was warned of Transport Malta sexual harassment a year ago
The Prime Minister had been specifically warned about the
Elderly homes residents find bank accounts closed after due diligence exercises
Several elderly bank account holders, particularly those of Bank
Government ignores Opposition’s call for parliamentary scrutiny and appoints new BCA chair
The government on Tuesday ignored an appeal from the
Education regulator stepped down shortly after AUM licence renewal
The chairman of the Malta Further and Higher Education
‘Super CEO’ confirmed but minister refuses to reveal his two salaries
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo has confirmed The Shift’s recent
One Maltese named in bizarre Italian Antarctic money laundering scam
In what was possibly one of the most ludicrous
Kamra tal-Periti investigating BCA chair who resigned over demolition debacle
Architect Marisa Schembri Grima is under investigation by her
Opposition blocks Fortina’s large sea area concession
The Opposition has temporarily blocked the government’s intention to
Malta still to legally implement EU ban on the use of lead shot in wetlands
As of 15 February 2023, Malta was amongst 30
Justice minister a no-show at his own media law public consultation
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard was a no-show at Wednesday’s
Portelli hid behind ic-Caqnu as latest construction debacle unravelled
Gozitan construction magnate Joseph Portelli hid behind Polidano Brothers
No elections, no film awards
Film Commissioner Johann Grech refuses to reply to questions
Lawlessness: more residences being turned into cramped, cheap dormitories
Hundreds of rental properties across the country are being

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