Minister Galdes ousts Malita Chair as electoral fraud scandal unfolds

Housing Minister Roderick Galdes has requested that former Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi be removed from Chair of Malita Investments, one of the government entities implicated in electoral fraud and gerrymandering in Siggiewi.

The Shift is informed that Galdes and Mizzi disagreed about how the government’s financial vehicle company conducted its business.

As a result, Galdes ordered that the former Labour MEP be removed from her €24,000-a-year part-time role and replaced by someone closer to the minister.

It is unclear whether Marlene Mizzi’s removal from the top job at Malita Investments is related to the ongoing election fraud scandal.

Malita Investments plc is a company where the government has a majority stake and invests in affordable housing.

It is currently embroiled in a scandal after the Court heard how several individuals were coerced by government officials to make false declarations to have their ID cards transferred to unfinished apartments so that they could vote in Siggiewi, Housing Minister Roderick Galdes’ constituency.

Siggiewi is a highly contested locality. A few votes can decide which party will take the locality’s mayorship for the coming years.

Following a case presented by the PN, the Court identified Malita Investments and Identity Malta as the government entities coordinating this fraud by arranging the change of ID cards of several people who had been promised an apartment in  Siggiewi so they could vote at the locality in June’s elections.

In court, officials from Identity Malta said under oath that their instructions came directly from Jennifer Falzon, the CEO of Malita Investments.

However, in a company announcement, the Board of Malita and Falzon refuted any suggestion that they were involved in this electoral fraud. They asked the Police Commissioner to investigate the Identity Malta officials who made these claims.


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simon oosterman
simon oosterman
4 months ago

It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

4 months ago

24000 euros given to a corrupt lady of trust. Wherever you look – 360degrees corruption.

George Mangion
George Mangion
4 months ago
Reply to  carlos

Mrs Mizzi now forms part of three Castille appointed directors running KM Airlines into a glorious profitable trajectory.None of directors have aviation experience but rely on experts to guide KM airlines .

4 months ago

This electoral fraud is more widespread than it seems. Somebody goofed and we will see heads rolling , not because of breaking the law , but because of exposing the fraud.
What fraudulent methods have been adopted in the grand organisation of Identity Malta / Electoral Commission / Labour Election Unit? From Job Creation to Vote Creation?

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
4 months ago

Someone high up in the ladder of command, and certainly high enough not to be disobeyed, must have ordered the whole charade.

No one is ready to accept the blame, of course.

In Maltese we have the custom of saying ‘KIEN IL-HAJBU’ on occasions like this.

4 months ago

Malita plc is a listed company. What does the MSE have to say now about its governance?

4 months ago

Tinten l-affari

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