It’s a goat farm with no goats, but a ‘store’ that’s a countryside residence

Manoeuvres by man accused of Jean Paul Sofia's death show he played the PA to get himself a country residence


One of the two men accused of causing the death of Jean-Paul Sofia owns an agricultural store and goat farm, closely resembling a residence, built on rural land in Naxxar following five different Planning Authority approvals.

Research by The Shift shows that a once large, rural, and untouched parcel of agricultural land in Naxxar was transformed into an ‘agricultural store’ and a fully-fledged ‘goat farm’, although the buildings look suspiciously like a residence, without a single goat to be seen.

The owner of this piecemeal development, mostly built illegally and sanctioned later, is Kurt Buhagiar – one of two accused of causing the death of Jean-Paul Sofia following the collapse of an illegal factory in Kordin.

The 38-year-old from Naxxar, already having a criminal record, served as the personal driver of Robert Vella, the CEO of the Lands Authority. Vella previously worked at the Planning Authority for several years until he was handpicked for the CEO role.

The investment in the sprawling development, considering Buhagiar worked as a driver, has resulted in several questions about how he amassed his wealth.

It was independent MEP candidate Arnold Cassola who first pointed out the farm development.

Buhagiar’s goat farm

In 2015, through an application fronted by Architect Sandro Cini from Paola, Buhagiar applied to build a 40 square metre agriculture store and underlying basement on virgin land in an area called Ta’ Habel Gendus il-Kbir, off Għajn Riħana, in Naxxar.

The land on which Buhagiar built his farm in 2015.

Granted the permit by the Planning Authority, despite objections by the Environment and Resources Authority, Buhagiar built much more than permitted.  Later, through a number of different applications, he got the illegalities sanctioned while continuing to extend it.

Then, in 2019, he filed a new application. This time, Buhagiar asked the Planning Authority to extend the agricultural store to 175 square meters and turn it into a farmer’s residence.

He attempted to justify it as a farmer’s residence by arguing that he wanted to build a goat farm at the back of the large field for some 40 animals. The extension was built before even applying for the permit.

The Planning Authority denied his permit to reside in the place, saying he was not a farmer. Yet, the Authority still permitted him to build the goat farm behind the store.

Buhagiar accepted the compromise, sanctioning his illegally extended residence as a store and promising not to use it as a residence. The construction of the goat farm went ahead.

So far, no goats have appeared on the farm, while the ‘agriculture store’ looks like a well-kept residence.

The farm at the back of the ‘store’.

Buhagiar’s colourful past

Better known as the right-hand man of Lands Authority CEO Robert Vella, Buhagiar has a colourful past.

Caught red-handed by Italian police trafficking people between Libya, Malta, and Sicily in 2011, he spent time behind bars in a Sicilian prison in Ragusa with two other Maltese accomplices.

On his return to Malta, he was given a government job at the Water Services Corporation, employed just before the 2017 general elections by disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi.

Later, he became Robert Vella’s ‘shadow’, working as his driver.

Just a few months before the tragic Kordin collapse that claimed Sofia’s life, The Shift had reported how Buhagiar was also pegged for a new promotion as an administrative assistant at the Lands Authority on the recommendation of Vella.

With Matthew Schembri, the other individual involved in the illegal Kordin factory development, Buhagiar holds a 50% equity in Allplus Ltd – the company behind the Kordin building.

He is also a shareholder in two other companies – SC Real Estate Ltd and 5B Limited and a director of the recently registered Koperattiva Produtturi tal-Bhejjem Limitata.


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1 year ago

The place should be given to the agricultural ministry to rear goats and produce milk for the needy.

1 year ago

There is a local saying
He who cheats progresses in liife and he who obeys the laws is left behind.
This is MEPA in all its corruption. A criminal has the free run of the corridors of power.

1 year ago
Reply to  makjavel

Not sure why your comment got 6 upvotes, makjavel. Cheating one’s way through life is a recipe for self-destruction. Sooner or later such entities end up trapped in a cul de sac of their own making. It’s very true that the cheaters appear to be ahead of honest folk and, certainly right now, appear to be winning – but unexpected events can change all that in one fell swoop.

Joanna Borg
Joanna Borg
1 year ago
Reply to  chris

Sadly after it caused the life of an innocent 20 year old.

1 year ago
Reply to  makjavel

This most unfortunatly is the message we are giving to the younger generations

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

The initial idea was to build a 5 star boutique hotel to cater for a new sector in the tourism scheme.
Goats being the latest addition of our tourism industry, provided they supplied enough milk for gbejniet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Said

Maybe he considers himself as a goat.

Noel Ciantar
Noel Ciantar
1 year ago

A goats farm? Could it be that Djokovic or Nadal have their residence there?

1 year ago

l-aqwa zmien

1 year ago

Mafiamalta at its best. Break all rules but make sure you’re a troll from the muvument korrott. That should solve all illegalities.

1 year ago
Reply to  carlos

So true unfortunatly

1 year ago

Mafia state run by mobsters in castille

Mark Cassar
Mark Cassar
1 year ago

I believe that they had the government do the road using EU funds under the guise of helping farmers. There is a plaque to this effect at the entrance of the property.

Rosabelle Pavia
Rosabelle Pavia
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Cassar

Kemm hu sew…..kollox minn fuq daharna!!!

Mark Debono
Mark Debono
1 year ago

The goats are probably inside gorging at the tax payers trough?

Rosabelle Pavia
Rosabelle Pavia
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Debono


1 year ago

This calls for further investigations to identify all shortcomings and whoever was involved and to take all corrective legal remedies. Kif jista jkun nibqghu ghaddejjin hekk f dal pajjiz!!!???? Qridniha lil Malta!!!

Rosabelle Pavia
Rosabelle Pavia
1 year ago
Reply to  Zazu

Issa Tara kemm ha jtiru rjus!!!

1 year ago

Could it be the new auberge to house the current occupiers of Castille? Those who refuse to reply to requests or to provide information one is entitled to?
Kif jaghmlu il moghz?

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
1 year ago

The PA needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from scratch!!!

nathan martin
nathan martin
1 year ago

The intricacies of the castile mafia web. Capcap gahan

1 year ago

Puzzled how a driver becoming a
Property developer can afford such a property in naxxar where even apartments are unaffordable.

They must simply be pure geniuses

1 year ago

It’s amazing that in this country the criminal classes are actually endorsed by the political classes.

1 year ago

It is because of these gangsters that the honest are penalised.

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph

Unfortunately money and greed make the rules and regulations.

1 year ago

No one give a shit anymore as these things keep happening ,until PA take stiff action and make you to pull down the building and restore the aria to the original habitat plus a fine like they do other countries ,but this never happens because of who you know

1 year ago

You can write a novel on the underhanded activity that is corrupt on Malta.

1 year ago

Don’t government authorities and departments ever ask for a ‘kondotta’? No wonder all the criminals work under this government!

1 year ago

This guy should be living in Corradino not Naxxar. But of course he has friends and partners in connected circles. He is a convicted people trafficker and yet is gifted high level government cushy jobs!

1 year ago

Dan IL HMIEG Jew insejhulu ZIBEL l ebda PARTIT maghndi bzonnu, issa xser JIGRI? X PASSI ser jittiehdu ?????
Ilna najdu. U qed jidher bic Car LI fil Mepa. Hemm HMIEG Demel u Kallijiet , ser naghddi xi LIGI LI minn jinqabad b Dan IL HMIEG LINQAS Piena ta Habs HIJA ta 5 Snin u l MULTA mhux INQAS minn €50 000, u jekk din ser tibqa GHADDEJA qisu MHU qed JIGRI xejn se ssir Hsara Kbira lill PARTIT LI jkun fil Gvern HU minn HU, iz ZEJJED KOLLU ZEJJED, Nies din IL KWALITA, LINQAS buttuna fobQmis ma rridhom jien AHSEB u Ara Driver MIEGHI,
ISTHU. minn ALLA JEKK VERU TEGHMNU LI HEMM ALLA, din ir Erbgha kolla ghall Flus.

Austin Sammut
Austin Sammut
1 year ago

All this moaning is futile unless PA commission members and officials are investigated for sleaze and if appropriate prosecuted, source of wealth established and all these structures are demolished. No national reconciliation here for goodness sake.

Larry Johnson
1 year ago

Interesting developments. I’ve not heard this prior to this article but it’s not surprising.

Edward Grima Baldacchino
Edward Grima Baldacchino
1 year ago

So the question now is, once these facts have been revealed has there been any breach of laws? Was the residence eligible to be built and lived in? If not what steps are now to be taken and what provisions apply for remedy in such cases? Why does the article stop short of also explaining this clearly instead of leaving it up to everyone’s imagination to draw their own colourful conclusions? If there are consequences then they should be well known and initiated

Caroline Muscat
1 year ago

The article is very clearly outlining what the evidence states. What consequences?

Rosabelle Pavia
Rosabelle Pavia
1 year ago
Reply to  Toni Borg

UKOLL!!! Mela dawn Il funds jinghataw kif gie gie???

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