Gozo Minister distances himself from developer il-Ġigu and his wife’s property

Under pressure due to a pending investigation request, Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri distanced himself from business ties with Gozitan developer Francesco Grima, known as il-Ġigu.

The minister stressed that although his wife owns a small property developed by il-Ġigu, she never did business with the developer as she bought her property from third parties.

The minister insisted that he has no part in any of the properties owned by his wife, lawyer Deborah Camilleri, as the married couple have a separation of assets agreement in place.

The property in Pjazza Santu Wistin turned into flats and an office.

25, Pjazza Santu Wistin

The development, which has been raising eyebrows in Gozo because it links the minister to developer il-Ġigu, is situated in Pjazza Santu Wistin, just a few metres from where the minister and his wife reside.

Once an old small corner dwelling, Francesco Grima filed a PA application—09734/17—through his architect, Godwin Agius, in September 2017.

The permit application filed by Francesco Grima.

Agius is also linked to the minister and the subject of the pending investigation request, as he used to work with him for years.

Earlier this year, The Shift exposed Agius as the beneficiary of a €700,000 direct order from Clint Camilleri’s Gozo Ministry on a project to build a new road in Nadur. According to an NAO audit, the project went €10 million over budget and was peppered with irregularities.

The Planning Authority’s case officer had recommended refusing the permit but the recommendation was overturned, and il-Ġigu was allowed to demolish the old building and build an office, a garage on the ground floor, and two overlying flats.

Just a few weeks after the permit was issued, Architect Godwin Agius sent a letter to the Planning Authority, revealing that part of the building to be developed by il-Ġigu was owned by Dr Deborah Camilleri and George Cini, known as ir-Rixu, and a canvasser of Minister Camilleri.

Letter by Perit Godwin Agius revealing that the minister’s wife held part of the property to be developed.

At the time, Clint and Deborah Camilleri were already married as the couple wed in May 2018.

This consolidated rumours that the Gozo Minister and il-Ġigu were in business together.

No business with il-Ġigu… just a coincidence

In reply to questions by The Shift, the Gozo Minister vehemently denied any ties to il-Ġigu.

Pressed to explain how the Pjazza Santu Wistin development coincided with his wife’s development of part of the same building through a permit issued to Grima, the minister said that his wife acquired the property before they were married. He insisted that it was not acquired from Grima.

“I would like to clarify that the minister’s wife does not own or co-own property with Francesco Grima,” Minister Camilleri’s spokesperson said.

“The minister’s wife purchased a 73-square metre portion of a dwelling having a larger area from the owners of the property, a certain Caruana family, through a local bank loan in her name. The mentioned development permits were already in place,” the spokesperson said.

She said it was not true that Grima developed the office and garage on behalf of his wife.

“The development was carried out through the engagement of an independent local mason and also financed through a bank loan in her own name.”

According to the minister’s spokesperson, “the property was acquired before the minister’s marriage to Camilleri. As such, the minster had and continues to have no involvement or stake in the property.”

Asked to explain how the property was never listed in his declaration of assets as a Parliamentary Secretary and later as a Minister, Camilleri’s spokesperson said that the property is not his but his wife’s.

“The minister and his wife have a separation of assets agreement in place.”

According to the code of ethics, the minister must only list his possessions in case of a separation of assets agreement.

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Eagle 1
Eagle 1
26 days ago

Jigifieri dan is-suppost perit iccertifika li mar jara propjeta’ x-Xaghra meta din qeghda r-Rabat Ghawdex? Jithallas talli jaghmel il-hmerijiet. U l-PA ma indunawx? Tal-bigilla ghadu kif ghadda minn quddiemi!

Gordon Cook
Gordon Cook
25 days ago

And so it goes on. My wife and I have no need for legal separation of assets.
Why does he?

Last edited 25 days ago by Gordon Cook
25 days ago

U hawn xi hadd qed jemmnu!!! Dan li jmur jara djar jiswew 700,000 u jnizzilhom fuq il-qraba tal mara! Ghalfejn tahsbu li l Gzira mtliet appartamenti!!, tghid mhux ghal ekonomija b sahhitha! Imma l gahan hekk bellawielu!! X ma idahlux lil Johann b 140,000 paga biex ikompli jissalvagwardjalhom l business taghhom! Xi hmieg! Imma l poplu ghadu ma fehem xejn!!

25 days ago
Reply to  M.Galea

Aghtina izjed informazzjoni please.

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