Official who called traffic woes a ‘perception’ back in senior role at Transport Malta

Audrey Testaferata de Noto, a former Transport Malta employee known for referring to local traffic congestion problems as “just an issue of perception” during a television appearance, has been given a new role at the transport regulator, heading the newly established Roads Accident Bureau.

The news has raised eyebrows among senior Transport Malta officials who described De Noto’s appointment as “an added burden” to the agency already struggling with many problems.

“No one at TM knows how De Noto has once again been given a senior position,” a TM official told The Shift.

“The problem is that she has suddenly become superior to many other veteran officials who have much more knowledge and experience to manage the bureau,” another official said.

The Shift asked Transport Malta CEO Jonathan Borg for details of the vacancy published to advertise the role and De Noto’s expertise in road accidents, but no answer was received.

The recently established bureau investigates road accidents but is not mandated to assign blame. It will, however, be responsible for improving road safety to prevent accident black spots.

De Noto was previously Transport Malta’s head of research, but in 2014, she stunned the country when she denied the existence of traffic congestion. Her comments led to a deluge of jokes, mockery, and Transport-Malta-bashing, particularly on social media.

When Infrastructure Malta was set up in 2018, De Noto, an architect by profession, was transferred onto its books.

There, she rebranded herself on social media as ‘Perit Audrey’ and contested the elections on behalf of the Labour Party in 2022, obtaining 99 votes. While at this agency, she was accused of using it for self-promotion.

Later, she was moved to the Building and Construction Agency, where she remained until she was handed her latest position at her original workplace, Transport Malta.

Malta faces massive traffic problems as it continues its policy to sustain its economic growth by increasing its population. Some 52 new cars per day are added to Malta’s already saturated road network.

Malta registered 26 fatal road accidents last year, an increase of 189% from 2021.


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8 months ago

“No one at TM knows how De Noto has once again been given a senior position,” – yeah, right. It’s a real mystery.

Joseph AirAdami
Joseph AirAdami
8 months ago

A ‘simple perception’ which, hopefully, the young lady will now realise how tangible it really was – and still is on an even greater scale since then.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
8 months ago

She is certainly not young

8 months ago

The pendulum job of a failed time piece.

8 months ago

If the job wasn’t advertised then surely it’s not a real job, being senior in post to knowledge and experience is going to be her downfalll.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
8 months ago

Only the “Creme de la Merd” are promoted at TM – the main qualification required is being a PL lackey.

8 months ago

So when she is stuck in a traffic jam, she will claim it is a figment of her imagination?
THIS is the kind of people the MLP put in senior positions? Un friggin’ believable.

You don't need to know
You don't need to know
8 months ago

How beautiful corruption is, eh?

8 months ago

Hope you went to specksavers !!

8 months ago

‘No one knows how…
A failed PL candidate who used to give free private lessons to children of constituents.

8 months ago

TM is definitely in shambles and knowledge is being lost daily.

Gerard Wirth
Gerard Wirth
8 months ago

Sun Nov 26th…reality is a mirage then!!!

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