Former minister Joe Mizzi wants public open space for front garden

Former minister Joe Mizzi is once again trying to claim a piece of public land in front of his residence for his front garden and has asked the Planning Authority for permission to do so.

Various residents of the government housing estate, which is situated adjacent to the Rinella bypass, told The Shift they could not believe how someone could apply to claim public space enjoyed by their neighbours for years.

This is Mizzi’s second bid for the area. The first was in 2018 when he was a minister. Neighbours said plans were withdrawn after objections the first time around.

“He is now making his second attempt to deprive us of our open space,” one neighbour who lives close to the former minister said. “Is this the Project Green that the government is talking about?”

Filed a few weeks ago through his architect Chris Cachia, the former Labour MP has asked the PA to approve the realignment of the public space in front of his house so his front garden could be extended.

Neither Mizzi nor his architect have attempted to justify the request to appropriate public space for personal benefit. Mizzi admitted he did not own the area as it is part of the government housing estate’s common parts.

According to PC 00034/23, Mizzi aims to extend his front garden by changing the open space his neighbours enjoy into a passageway.

Formal objections to the PA have already been filed by several of Mizzi’s neighbours, saying the application must be immediately stopped.

“Are we to expect that all the residents with their houses abutting this open space will be given the right to extend their front gardens, or is this going to be done only for one privileged individual?” one objector wrote.

Mizzi’s architect in this case, Chris Cachia, was the architect used by the owners of a Zejtun villa to speedily sanction massive illegalities days before they sold it to Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia.

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1 year ago

Mizzi int kont ghidtilna li taf fejn hu z Zejt.
Illum kulhadd jaf li kienet gidba, biex tidher sabih.
Vera tad dahk.
Ma nafx kif ma tisthix….ghalkemm kollha kemm intom xorta…u l kunjom MIZZI sar rinomat mal ingann.

peter faure
peter faure
1 year ago
Reply to  Bamboccu

L-ewwel haga li politikant jeqred mill karattru tieghu hija IL-MISTHIJA!

Carmelo borg
1 year ago

La morna morna ZEP

Paul Henry Berman
Paul Henry Berman
1 year ago

Venezuela 2.0

1 year ago

Taghna lkoll!

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

Socialism at its worst. Maybe one day soon, people of goodwill will realise that the PL’s new form of socialism is and was an absolute lie and realise that this form of corrupt governance is totally unacceptable and detrimental to our society’s wellbeing.
The rich or those very close to the elite are getting richer and the poor poorer.
Public space should be utilized for the benefit of all, not for some incompetent ex Minister, like Mizzi.
I am certain that he would not find oil if he bought a traditional Maltese hobza.
Shame on the architect whose professional ethical conduct allows this sort of project. Planning Authority show that you are professional in your decisions.

1 year ago

Project Green

1 year ago

What a shabby behavior!

If you should beg for a vote at my door again for the next election, please don’t be surprised if a glass of water pours over you:

Nobody needs these dirty lies!

Francis X Grima
Francis X Grima
1 year ago

Ghadu jrid jerdha dan. Qatt mhu bizzejjed ghalihom dan-nies

Paul Pullicino
Paul Pullicino
1 year ago

Meanwhile in make believe la la land, we have a prime minister, a property developer, who has ticked off those who file non-starter applications to the PA.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
1 year ago

that piece of public land should be given to build 4 high rise towers, similar to the one’s in Imriehel, so that Mizzi get’s some of his own medicine!!

1 year ago

U kif kien hareg il-permess sabiex id-dar tieghu toghola qiesha blokk appartamenti, fejn kerrah l-estetika. L-ebda dar ohra ma hija ta dak l-gholi. Kif wkoll ra kif ghamel sabiex jithaffru garaxxijiet. Hekk jkollu wkoll garaxx jinfed mad dar. Imma hawn kellu bzonn il-girien, l-aqwa li akkwistaw garaxx wkoll. Kif qatt tista tafda f’dan il-pajjiz. Jithanzru, jergghu jithanzru, u jibqghu jithanzru!!!

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