Robert Abela takes PBS chair’s side in Norma Saliba fallout

Norma Saliba’s resignation as head of news at the state broadcaster was the direct result of a fallout with the politically-appointed PBS Executive Chairman Mark Sammut, who found the backing of Prime Minister Robert Abela.

While the former Labour reporter who was made PBS Head of News in 2020 cited “personal reasons” for her resignation, sources at PBS told The Shift that Saliba’s departure had been long coming and resulted from an acrimonious clash with  Sammut.

In fact, Sammut had already given Saliba several disciplinary warnings over the past months, mainly in relation to insubordination, and her departure was part of a long-drawn power struggle between the two.

Both Sammut and Saliba were appointed directly by Prime Minister Robert Abela to their PBS posts.

“The Sammut-Saliba tandem was not working well and both political appointees were clashing to gain Castille’s favouritism,” the sources said.

“Following intense lobbying from both, it is clear that Robert Abela has taken Sammut’s side and Saliba had to make way,” the source said.

According to insiders, Saliba deliberately ignored Sammut’s instructions on many occasions – including about who would accompany the Prime Minister on overseas trips and newscasting policy.

It is known in government circles that Saliba is now lobbying the Prime Minister for another position and an overseas posting in Brussels is not being excluded.

Made PBS head of news in August 2020 a few months after Abela became Prime Minister, Saliba’s steering of the state broadcaster’s newsroom was heavily criticised locally and internationally for its pro-government bias.

While PBS has been considered pro-government under every administration, Saliba’s gatekeeping was seen to have gone a notch further in favour of Labour and the Broadcasting Authority admonished PBS on many occasions for bias.

Even a speech the Pope gave during a historic visit to Malta that mildly criticised the current administration’s handling of migration issues was censored by Saliba’s newsroom.

Saliba, who started her broadcasting career with Labour’s ONE TV, was first placed on the state broadcaster’s payroll during a Nationalist administration when her partner, Manuel Micallef – later ONE TV’s head of news – was the General Workers’ Union’s official responsible for PBS workers.

Saliba had begun intense lobbying for the top PBS newsroom post as soon as Joseph Muscat, who was a witness at her wedding, was elected Prime Minister.

Reno Bugeja, however, landed the job and Saliba was seconded to the Office of the President to be George Vella’s spokesperson while continuing to lobby for the post.

Those efforts proved fruitful and soon after her return to PBS and Robert Abela’s assumption of power at Castille, Saliba was appointed head of news in 2020 on the Office of the Prime Minister’s direct order.

Abela positioned Mark Sammut as PBS chairman in April 2021 even though he had never worked in broadcasting. While he rarely convenes the PBS board and is widely considered an autocrat, The Shift recently revealed how he is being paid twice for the same job – once as CEO and again as chairman of the board. He is also serving as Chairman of another government entity – Malta Med Air and is a regular recipient of direct orders through his private IT businesses.

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1 year ago

This article spells out all the mistakes done by the PN in government.You simply cannot trust anyone with any affiliation with PL. How can anyone explain how a political Party gives airtime with a regular program to someone coming from your nemesis political Party. Maybe the intention was right in trying to foster more political opinion tolerance but the only result was that votes were shifted to these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

1 year ago

She lamented about character assassination…now this really confused me. How can you assassinate someone’s character when that person does not posses one?

1 year ago

A pig that didn’t quite make it- but still an MLP pig- after a (non qualified of course) job at Brussels.

1 year ago
Reply to  wenzu

Gets fired or quit but still wants another government appointment,oink oink

1 year ago

These were the trojans in the PN minisries who sabotages whatever the PN was trying to do.
Th worst one was the ARMS front desk and top brass, all labour.
And the PN should do a proper Due Diligence on the party personnel in critical positions . The EU election will be cooked by the labor government , do not be naive. Electronic Counting : What you see is NOT what you get.
Who knows why Dr. Jason Azzopardi was left out? Because Labour wanted him out , not his voters.

1 year ago

Il-propagandista Norma Saliba taf sew li hi l-unika persuna li giet sekondata mill-kamra tal-ahbarijiet tal-PBS biex tahdem band’ohra. U b’dawk il-kundizzjonijiet!!!

Imma mbaghad qed tara x’jigrilek meta tkun propagandista u pedina f’idejn il-partit…

Qed tara x’jigrilek meta tkun ghami ghal partit kriminali u tuża assi tal-pajjiż biex…

F’xi hin jew iehor meta jkunu ghasruk, jitfghuk ‘il barra bid-daqqiet ta’ sieq u jkollok tohrog tghid li “personal reasons”.

Meta tkun Brussels ftakar li jekk tkun qed tirrapprezentana mal-barranin u tohrog ta’ mażetta, ma jahfruhilekx.

1 year ago

Her old ex husband and his son Jean Paul must be thrilled she had to leave.

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