Sliema apartment with 40 low-wage workers owned by Labour insider

The lack of action by the authorities against the exploitation of cheap labour market workers at a Sliema apartment that has been turned into an illegal dormitory hosting some 40 people may be linked to the fact that the building is owned by a government insider.

After reporting that the apartment on Sliema’s George Borg Olivier Street has been turned into a cheap illegal dormitory with its occupants – mostly Indian and Nepalese nationals who are paying €250 a month for a single bed – The Shift discovered that the apartment’s owner is a company with close connections to the current administration.

The apartment is one of four owned by Allwoods and Steel (Property 2) Ltd, which is, in turn, owned by Attard resident Anthony Bugeja and his two children Karl and Thea Bugeja.

Karl Bugeja has been working within the private secretariats of a number of ministries since Labour’s return to power in 2013, including as the Home Affairs Ministry’s coordinator.

The Shift is also informed that, until a few months ago, Karl Bugeja was also serving as Malta’s consul to Doha, Qatar, where the abuse of cheap labour is the order of the day.

One of Bugeja’s publicised visits while in Qatar was to establish good relations with VFS Global, a company that processes passports and visas.

The 32-year-old political appointee of the Foreign Minister was then recalled to Malta for unknown reasons along with his then ambassador. The Embassy is currently without an ambassador.

Until 2013, Karl Bugeja was an official of Pulse. After graduating in social policy, he joined the government as a political appointee and hopped from one ministerial private secretariat to another until his diplomatic posting in Doha.

When contacted to explain how he had turned a residential apartment on a quiet Sliema street into a residence to exploiting low-paid third country nationals, Bugeja’s father Twanny shrugged off responsibility and insisted it was his tenant Peter Frendo, a real estate agent and Alliance franchise owner – who was packing his apartment with foreign workers.

Karl Bugeja and his father Twanny.

He did not say whether Frendo had his permission as the landlord to use the apartment as an illegal dormitory.

Following intense pressure and months of reports, including from Sliema Mayor John Pillow, the Planning Authority was forced to issue an enforcement order that was accompanied by daily fines of up to €50 a day against the company.

The Planning Authority’s enforcement order against the owners of the Sliema apartment.

Still, the abuse is ongoing, and the Planning Authority has not yet chosen to directly intervene and have the place cleared, which it is empowered to do by law.

All previous complaints to the police, the Housing Authority, the Occupational Health and Safety Authority and the Health Department had somehow been ignored.

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simon oosterman
simon oosterman
1 year ago

Par for the course in today’s Malta.

simon oosterman
simon oosterman
1 year ago

40 times 250 = 10,000 a month.
30 times 50 = 1,500 a month.
The first line is real money. The second line is only on paper.

1 year ago

Correction. 60 or possibly 80 x 250

Brigadier Gaddafi
Brigadier Gaddafi
1 year ago

True. Economy for Dummies, chapter 1. Those “fines” are a laugh for business enterprises like this one, even more so for Hotels like “Ushuaia” in Xemxija which operates on illegalities and faces the same astronomical fines…sell a couple of Proseccos more at the illegal roof pool and the daily fine is covered ..

Karen Freeman
Karen Freeman
1 year ago

What about all the electricity the same hotel is using to abuse the patience of the residents across the bay. This punk thinks he is in Vegas. Totally unnecessary. We need to form a community, to stop this madness.

Marcus Bonello
Marcus Bonello
1 year ago

€ 333 minus € 50 a day is very good business. €283 per day equals to € 103,295 annually. Good profit 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Bonello

Is this Money laundering, or what. Are they given receipts for all this? What about the VAT?

1 year ago

Seems the progrssive party prefers to return to the middle ages.

1 year ago

50 eur fine? 250 eur per head x 40 heads = 10,000 eur. The fine is 1500 eur per month (IF it gets paid, and I doubt it). Ridiculous. “Authorities” pretending that they’re doing something.

1 year ago

Il-gradwati li qed tipproduci bil-kwantità l-Università tal-Qroqq qed jaghtuna r-riżultati. Hadd ma jitkellem mill-Kakkademja tad-Diplomatic Studies? Il-Professur Calleya fejnu? L-Ambassatur Terribile fej stahba? Hekk tirrispettawhom lill-gradwati taghkom fid-diplomazija, billi thallu gvern jghaddi minn fuqhom bhal romblu biex jagevola lil min ghandu intenzjonijiet imnawra?

Proset hey fikom il-hobż!

Last edited 1 year ago by mark
1 year ago
Reply to  mark

Mela l-gradwati m’ghandhomx mohh? Ghax ma tghidx li l-hbieb tal-hbieb jistghu ikunu l-ikbar cwiec ghax malajr isibu post tajjeb mal-gvern?

Theresa Naudi
Theresa Naudi
1 year ago

At £50 euro fine a day he is still reaping in profits, no problem!!!!!!

Lino Vella Clark
Lino Vella Clark
1 year ago

The friends of friends close to the government are above the law, not like us citizens!!!

Milica Micovic
1 year ago

Milica Micovic

Joe Cassar
Joe Cassar
1 year ago
Reply to  Milica Micovic


1 year ago

Malta one big rubbish dump .

Michael Gatt
Michael Gatt
1 year ago

Well at least he is contributing circa one third ghal kaxxa ta Malta or am I being to naive 😳

1 year ago

Mhux hekk.
Mela jkollok appartament trid taqla l bajd biex thallsu u ta’ tahtek , ta’ magenbek kew ta’ fuqek jinbiegh li xi kumpanija tad Demel.
Dawn jikruh lil ma nafx kemm persuna u jkunu la maltija hxewlek blokka.
Lift maintenance, Komun u ma nafx kemm aktar…

1 year ago

Apartment 6 originally had way over 40 beds. It was reduced to 40 when pressure started mounting. There are/were also close to another 30 beds in apartment 4 making the total beds in the building close to 100 at peak.

1 year ago

Min dejjem ta’dejjem kien hekk il-partit tal-lejber. Imnawwar b’nies delitanti egoisti ghal but u ghal partit. Kif tridu Malta ma tigix minghajr DAWL JEKK KULLHADD MOHHU FIC-CIRIMELLI U L FLUS. Nies lejber biex jakwistaw BISS U XEJN AKTAR.

1 year ago

Labour gets dirtier by the minute. They can corrupt the devil.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 year ago


Mark muscat
Mark muscat
1 year ago

Pajjiz tad-dilettanti …. f’kollox !

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark muscat

Pajjiz mgherreq fil-KORRUZZJONI iva

1 year ago

but what a ticket… this is called exploitation of immigration and it is criminal with immediate arrest… But malta is not europe so everything is permitted…

1 year ago

Yet it was not mentioned if this apartment is registered with the rent registration authority or if Vat is being paid.

Josette Portelli
Josette Portelli
1 year ago

Meta ser neħilsu minn dil-mafja kollha? Grazzi Shift News ta’ l-informazzjoni li tippubblikaw.

1 year ago

Biex neħilsu minn dil-mafja kollha nużaw it-tarka tal-vot sew!!!

George Bonnici
George Bonnici
1 year ago

As long as the stupid happy petty cheque receivers before the election keep voting for MLP, we uncared-for true citizens of these islands will keep being burdened with the new MLP. =. MAFIA LABOUR PARTY. Viva l-lejber.

1 year ago

I would pay the fine and still bag €8,500
Not bad at all

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