Another woman killed: ‘This can’t go on’

Malta Women's Lobby demands 'immediate and effective action'


The killing of Bernice Cassar, shot dead at Corradino industrial estate on Tuesday morning, has led to anger, including from the Malta Women’s Lobby, which called for “immediate and effective action”.

Cassar, the mother of two young children, was killed despite filing domestic violence reports with the police and despite a protection order issued by the Court. The incident happened around 8am when the 40-year-old woman from Qrendi was driving her car.

“We are saddened that her life was lost and that her family are now faced with the loss of a beloved daughter, sister and mother.   But we are also angry.

“We are angry that another woman has been lost to femicide. We are angry that the system appears to have failed her,” the organisation representing several women’s groups said in a statement.

The Times of Malta reported police sources saying the murder was believed to stem from a domestic dispute, and the woman had filed domestic violence reports in the past.

The Malta Women’s Lobby said the “authorities must take immediate and effective action to prevent, to protect, to prosecute in cases of violence against women and domestic violence”.

The organisation also said that the “massive backlog” in court cases on violence against women also needs to be resolved once and for all to avoid delays, often amounting to years, from when a report is lodged.

“It is evident that more magistrates working exclusively on cases of violence against women need to be appointed. Currently, only one magistrate is dealing with such cases. This is unacceptable.”

The group also called for more funding of entities like Aġenzija Appoġġ and Domestic Violence Services so that they may employ more social workers to assist women in cases of domestic violence.

“By dragging their feet, the State and its institutions continue to fail women,” the statement added. “This cannot go on.”

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2 years ago

Another good example how our Gahan-institutions are NOT working.

2 years ago

X’jigu jitnejjku il puluzja u il ministru tas sigurita, reformi u ekwalita! Allura! So what? Dejjem jaqbzu ghal kriminali. U jikkundannaw nies innocenti.

Carmelo Borg
2 years ago

Min hu/hi l ispettur tal DOMESTIC VIOLENCE UNIT fil Korp tal Pulizija ????????

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