OHSA still ‘seeking legal advice’ months after being informed of breach by one of its top officials

 The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) is still “seeking legal advice” on serious allegations brought to its attention months ago involving one of its officials authorised to decide on whether offenders are prosecuted.

The Authority was informed by means of a letter, also sent to The Shift, that its official was doubling as a private legal advisor, including on health and safety rules. The OHSA was sent pictures of his office in Siggiewi where a plaque he placed has “Dr” before his name, even though he is not a lawyer.

The law is clear that no individual is permitted to provide legal services without a lawyer’s warrant issued by the President of Malta. The Chamber of Advocates was also notified.

The Shift followed up on the claims and pressed the OHSA for answers after months in which no action was seen to be taken.

The CEO of the OHSA, Mark Gauci, acknowledged that the complaint had been received and said the Authority was still trying to establish the facts.

“We have passed all this information to the police, but I will come back to you with a more definite reply,” Gauci told The Shift.

After several reminders, Gauci only said that “the OHSA is seeking legal advice on the matter”.

The Shift is informed that the officer mentioned in these claims is a former police officer recruited by the OHSA years ago. Since the OHSA was never well resourced by the government, the officer in question is one of the very few officials who decide on whether alleged offenders are prosecuted in court or not.

Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi is responsible for the Authority.

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Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
2 years ago

This Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi is another hopeless politician miskin. Another puppet in the hands of Robert Abela to favour developers and you know to make good use of positions within the PA and BCA, by favouring constituents. Forsi fl-ahhar ma jigix aktar l-ahhar fid distretti meta jikkompeti ma shabu. Incompetence at its best.

Francis Said
Francis Said
2 years ago

I stand to be corrected. But doesn’t this entity have Stagno Navarra as a new “star”.
Again I stand to be corrected.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
2 years ago

It seems that this Authority (most probably like all of the rest), has become the natural home of filthy bust…s and clowns, fitted under one roof. All inclusive!!

Ġwanni Fenek
Ġwanni Fenek
2 years ago

Ħmieġ biss f’dal-pajjiż.

2 years ago

Well, our leaders have always been very good at searching, it’s only the will to find something that is lacking.

Some say it is even forbidden to find something, or if something is really found, it ends up somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

As long as these philistines get paid for it and are not brought before a ” fast-track ” court, it seems ok to them.

Fred the Red
Fred the Red
2 years ago

I suppose the ‘legal’ advice being sought is equivalent to instructions from political masters as to whether this guy is expendable or not. If he is not you can bet your bottom dollar every hurdle and delaying tactic possible will be thrown in the way. Who knows the AG might also be roped in for good measure.

2 years ago

This government leaves no stone unturned to collect all the lice to fill its offices with.

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