Activists take back Comino’s Blue Lagoon, remove all deckchairs from beach

Moviment Graffitti activists descend on beach: ‘Comino belongs to everyone!’


Moviment Graffitti activists cleared out deckchairs and umbrellas from Comino’s Blue Lagoon earlier on Saturday, the first time the beach has been this vacant in years.

The uptake of public land at Blue Lagoon has become a growing burden over the years, with at least seven kiosks popping up along the coastline, deckchairs and umbrellas illegally hogging space from as early as 7am, loud blaring music, and little to no upkeep of the bay itself.

Prior to Saturday’s action, Moviment Graffitti had already announced its six demands for Comino, which it reiterated again right after Blue Lagoon was cleared out – primarily, the group seeks to limit the uptake of public land for private gain and is intent on pressing the authorities to comply.

Kiosk operators and their employees offered little to no resistance, with some of them even lending a hand to the activists when the action began. The Shift documented the entire action on its Facebook page, with footage available here.

“Many Maltese and Gozitan people tell us that they don’t even bother coming to Comino because of the kiosks and the lack of space,” Moviment Graffitti activist Andre’ Callus told the press shortly after the action.

“It is not right that such a place is stolen from us. So, after we have been piling pressure and telling the authorities to take action and it wasn’t taken since we only heard empty words, we came here and took action ourselves. This doesn’t end here,” Callus added.

Activists holding up placards at Blue Lagoon, Comino.

Fellow activists John Paul Cauchi and Marie-Claire Gatt reiterated the group’s demands, emphasising the fact that Comino is a Natura 2000 site that should be protected.

Cauchi explained that the group is demanding that sunbeds and umbrellas should only be rented out on-request by persons physically present at the beach to ensure that operators do not hog the space before the first ferries even show up.

Moviment Graffitti is also calling on authorities to severely reduce the number of kiosks operating on Comino and that they must form part of an overall Comino Management Plan as had been originally proposed by the Environment and Resources Authority in 2019.

The group also believes that any commercial activity should be subject to permits which tightly regulate all operations, including disallowing the use of plastic straws and non reusable containers, banning loud music and generators as well as making operators pay a financial contribution for the upkeep of the bay.

Additionally, the activists urged the government to ensure that Comino is properly patrolled by rangers who would be legally empowered to levy fines and enforce regulations.

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2 years ago

Well done! Thank you Moviment Graffitti.

2 years ago

Brilliant have a big bonfire with it all😁

Louis Caruana
Louis Caruana
2 years ago

Well done….. Heard in the grapevine….. That there was a big head MP who took slice too!!

Renald Zahra
Renald Zahra
2 years ago

Thank you. People power since our representatives don’t have the balls.

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
2 years ago

Douze points to Movement Graffitti.

G Mizzi
G Mizzi
2 years ago

Well done Grffitti. Thank you.

2 years ago

Ghandna bniedem suppost ministru li hu pupazz- jekk imur hu kemmuna ma jkunx hemm bzonn jitlob permess ghaliex haga wahda mal-korrotti, pero’ min imur jitlob permess ( li m’hemmx bzonn ghaliex huwa post publiku) ikun jissogra xi xebgha kliem hazin jekk mhux ukoll xi daqqa ta ponn – dan kollu grazzi ghall- l-akbar pm korrott li qatt rat Malta ghaliex nissel fil-poplu u ministri, reghba ghall-flus u arroganza fejn dejjem jaharbu mid-domandi tal-gurnalisti kif kien jaghmel hu meta kien skuzi pm. gvern korrott mibni fuq skandli u nies mixtrija fejn il-ligi ma tapplikax ghall-kulhadd izda biss ghall-dawk li josservawa.

2 years ago

Prosit Graffiti.

xoghol il-ministru ghedin taghmluh intom ghalix il-ministru u shabu il-flis u s-siggu jhobbu.

2 years ago

Moviment Graffiti well done and thank you for your efforts.

Alex Torpiano
Alex Torpiano
2 years ago

Well done Graffiti. They have taken the first step. Now it is up to Government to take the next steps. Deckchairs should be put up only when requested, and not laid out everywhere and removed when requested.

carmelo borg
2 years ago

Prosit ghandhkom il BAJJJJ. meta issib xi papitu ministru i parla zejjed u ma jaghmel xejn xi grupp bhal GRAFFİTİ iridu ikunu

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