Clint Camilleri’s Gozo Ministry is seeking to recruit an unspecified number of hairdressers at his ministry in another ‘scheme’ which smacks of nepotism and abuse of public funds.
An internal call for a ‘hairdresser’ published earlier this month does not specify the need for any particular diploma or qualification in the trade and is only limited to those who currently occupy the grade of ‘labourers’.
Such calls are presented in the singular, although a number of individuals could be recruited.
Public servants in the relevant grade and who are serving their working time in Malta are encouraged to apply so that they can start working closer to Clint Camilleri’s constituency.
Among the tasks they are expected to perform in this new government grade are “hairstyling”, “blow-dries”, “shaving”, “hair colouring” and “creating hairstyles to improve the look of clients”.
The requisites in the call, issued by Permanent Secretary John Borg, does not specify the ministry’s hairstyling clients.
Labourers chosen to occupy this new role through a simple interview will receive an annual salary of almost €16,000 a year, some €3,000 more annually over their current salary scale.
The three Gozitan cabinet ministers competing for the rule of Gozo, traditionally a PN district, are regularly creating ‘initiatives’ aimed at securing their position in parliament.
While Minister Camilleri is known to be Prime Minister Robert Abela’s favourite, both Ministers Caruana and Refalo are still aiming to gain the most amount of Labour votes in Gozo to demand a return to the Gozo Ministry.
40% wage bill increase in 8 years
The most recent unemployment statistics issued by the NSO show that until last June there were less than 200 people registered as unemployed in Gozo – the lowest level ever registered.
This situation of full employment is not particularly a result of unprecedented economic growth in the sister island but a direct intervention by the government to put a significant part of the working population on the public payroll.
Government financial estimates show that while the public service wage bill for Gozo stood at €19 million in 2013, this has increased to almost €27 million this year – an increase of 40%.
This staggering increase in personal emoluments does not include hundreds of Gozitans employed in other government-owned companies and schemes such as Gozo Channel and the Community Workers Scheme outsourced by Labour to a company controlled by the General Workers Union.
Even the Church in Gozo has become a significant beneficiary of the Gozo Ministry’s benevolence.
Before the last election, hundreds of people were put on the government payroll even though there was no real work for them. This had led to Gozitan constituted bodies officially complaining that ‘their’ workers in the private sector had all left their jobs to alternative employment in the public sector.
For the first time since Malta’s independence, Gozo produced a Labour majority in 2017. The current situation is being described by political observers as “worse than the last elections” as now there are “three Ministers and not just one” bidding for Labour’s political agenda.
SHAME ON YOU distributing the honest worker taxes for votes. You are just stealing from the honest to give it to the lazy trolls.
I’d hate to see a single scruffy-haired – or, at least, an improperly groomed – Gozitan come next week!
Its all made in Gozo for corruption.
There is no corruption in Malta!??
By the way all workers employed in Gozo by the ministry just attend for a few minutes at their place of work and off they go to do their private work.
Rest assured that this is also happening in Malta with the only difference being that the beneficiaries of corruption in Malta are getting much bigger financial rewards
Trimming a President’s eyebrows might be a challenging task.
I’d dahhaqx bin nies kien hemm min dahhaq ghax ghajjar bil parrokka u wara marad u libes il parokka
Like other Maltese the gozitans look for a government job as a sideline where their main income is from other private work performed during normal working hours.
Applications for hairdresser by labourers only in the Gozo ministry is discriminatory, apart from being inconceivable
With the IMF sounding a warning bell about the state of government finances in Malta, there is going to be many parasites living off the government which are going to need to get a haircut in their pay. Looks like the Gozo Ministry is leading the way in employing hairdressers before they become scarce.
The three incumbents are employing everyone with their Ministries and even poaching each others Gozitan staff with higher wages – no qualifications required, just their vote! If this is not blatant cheating I don’t know. Who’s supposed to control such abuse?
Believe me when I tell you that the ones who are supposed to control such abuse are those employed in these Ministries and the many others.
Control the abuse, when it is the abusers themselves, who else. No doubt we will see I higher level of illiterate voters, this is how contracted voting is verified.
In Zejtun every election we see voters losing their literacy capabilities, it increases every election.
The above should be controlled.
U x’se jkun ix- xoghol tieghu fil- ministeru, ghax diga nafu li ragel.Din qatt ma smajnijha! Imbat xi stokk biex jahdem u jarma s- salon minghand xi bazuzlu iehor.Pajjiz li jaqa’ ghar- redikolu kiljum.Ahjar nibzghu ghar- rizorsi, u niffaccjaw il- problemi futuri u qarrieba tal- ambjent u l- ekologija, ghax daqt ma jkollniex ilma x’ nixorbu u ikel x’ nieklu.Nies bhal dawn, ma nafx x’ qieghdin jaghmlu hemm! Bhal meta timpjega lil- habib, ghal tlett xhur ghal konsulenza fl- iskejjel f’edukazzjoni tal- isport, meta l- iskejjel kienu maghluqin.Barra!! Hija l- unika soluzzjoni.
I would like to highlight, at least for those who are not members of the ‘Gahan brigade’, that the wages/salaries of government employees, are one of the main components of the much boasted about GDP.
The increase of the public wage bill for Gozo, from Euro 19 million in 2013 to Euro 27 million this year, increases the GDP by Euro 8 million, and this will increase further as we get closer to the general elections.
It is pertinent to state that these additional jobs are in the majority, unproductive, that is, they do not increase production as jobs in the private sector do.
Add to this, the fact that in doing so, the Government is creating a scarcity of labour in the private sector, with the result that new investment is being curtailed and discouraged.
This is equivalent to robbing the government treasury from taxpayers’ money.
Furthermore, the government, through the National Statistics Office, ‘fakes’ statistics for employment, and correspondingly, unemployment, convincing our Gahan society, that the economy is performing well. These ‘fake’ and/or creative statistics, will then be used by International Rating Agences, to give Malta ‘fake’ ratings.
I must also comment on the call for employment for hairdressers with the skills to shave, and I ask:
1. What are these hairdressers shaving?
2. Do these hairdressers have to give hostess services, like massage parlours do?
3. Is the government intent on acting, through ministries, as prostitution agencies, once prostitition services are decriminalised?
Once estimated earnings from prostitution are now factored in the calculation of the GDP, the government nay be planning to turn the hairdressers into productive objects.
Yes indeed. This all makes one very angry indeed. Three LP parliamentarians competing for votes at the expense of the taxpayer. Absolutely shameful.
allika issa u jekk int wiehed mit-trolls nigarantulek li nghamluk general manager f’post fejn ma tbatix u li hu allokat ghd-distrusted people of trust.
se ddum tit…ku bil-haddiem? isthu tisirqu aktar voti minn ghand l-injorant li jistenna xi wiehed kinnkhom itih job ghaliex m’hu kapaci ghal xejn.
justin li tghajjar sriep lil min ma jaqbilx maghha, ghaliex ma tohrogx xi applikazzjoni ghal xi trainer iehor flok bogdanovic? ISTHI – ma xbajtux tisirqu flus il-poplu.
But to be a hairdresser you have to have the skill to do the job.
But, as ever, who is going to call him out and insist on a resignation? Not the three (and the rest) wise monkeys in Government who see, hear and speak no evil. Because the institutions are working!! Hope FATF is watching closely?
X’ma jitilawx b’magoranza ta 30elf+ fejn il jobs qed jivintawom biex jihdulom il vot….
Nepotizmu sfrenat fejn iktar ma jghaddi zmien in- nepotizmu go dal pajjiz iktar se jizdied taht dal Gvern. Filwaqt tax payers genwini (qed nireferi al dawk li ma jigux bzonn xi ministru ghal pjacir) qed ihalsu taxxa taghhom propju al dawn il jobs ivvintati.