Gozo Ministry direct order for Saviour Balzan smacks of political propaganda
More behind-the-scenes pre-electoral machinations put into play by the
Government attacks The Shift with legal Groundhog Day
Forty separate branches of the government are attacking another
Government launches new attempt to cripple The Shift with FOI appeals
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn The government has
The Shift wins another six challenges to Freedom of Information requests
Six more government entities resisting a decision by the
The Shift wins first four FOI appeals by government to hide payments to Saviour Balzan
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The Shift has won
Government in desperate legal scramble to hide Saviour Balzan deals in defiance of FOI order
At least 29 government entities, ranging from the Education
October’s media circus: how politicians dominate coverage
It is no secret that political parties in Malta
Exposed: Saviour Balzan received at least €1 million in government contracts under Labour
Malta Today and Illum co-owner Saviour Balzan has raked

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