US congressman uses meeting with Muscat as alibi in CNN case
Republican US congressman Devin Nunes is using a 2018
Weaponisation of the law suppressing scrutiny of power
Over 25 press freedom organisations have written to the
Croatian’s threat against The Shift taken up by the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe press freedom platform has taken
State funding of the independent media
Media freedom is what it says – freedom from
The silence behind the SLAPP
It is no easy matter to be slapped with
The sting of a SLAPP
A US Republican congressman has filed a $250 million
Opposition files Bill to protect journalists from SLAPP, again
The Opposition has put forward a draft law in
Libel suits made my mother’s life absolutely impossible – Caruana Galizia
The strategic lawsuits and libels filed against murdered journalist
Maltese courts are a continental embarrassment
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) routinely trashes
Defamation law abuse remains a problem for journalists – Harlem Désir
Defamation law abuse and severe online harassment are two
Journalist Carole Cadwalladr appeals for support battling SLAPP lawsuit
British co-founder of the Leave.EU campaign Arron Banks is
Keep an eye on fake news
To evaluate Robert Abela’s first week as Prime Minister,
‘Push back against those who abuse the law to silence the media’ – Index on Censorship
In March last year, hundreds of journalists took the
EU must intervene to protect journalists against SLAPP
The fact Daphne Caruana Galizia’s “widower and sons are
Two years of The Shift: Malta’s only newsroom funded by readers
The Shift is two years old. We want to
Caroline Muscat shortlisted for Reporters Without Borders press freedom award
International press freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders has announced
Defamation reform: a cautionary but hopeful story
Guest commentary by Nik Williams. In Scotland, defamation law
Defenders, deniers, traitors, avoiders: MEP candidates on press freedom
MEP candidates agree that press freedom and the rule
Spotlight on threats against journalists in Malta in European report
“Burned in effigy. Insulted. Menaced. Spat at. Discredited by
Killing freedom, one pawn at a time
Mark Anthony Falzon insists that press freedom in Malta
How to prove the Press Freedom Index wrong
So, this year’s World Press Freedom Index reports that
‘Unite for truth’
Malta is facing a crisis of governance. There has
MEP elections: 10 proposals for press freedom
A European Commissioner responsible for media freedom, independence and
‘How criminals hide their stolen millions’ – investigation
Louise Shelley, an expert on money laundering and illicit
Dangerous liaisons and the news
A new Reformation is underway in Europe and North
‘Without media freedom there can be no democracy’
In the absence of government action, it is up
Return of the Middle Ages
They are the best of times, they are the
Russian banker threatens The Shift News with SLAPP lawsuit
Only hours after a conference at the University of
‘We were never more proud of her than on the day she was murdered’
His mother’s fight against corruption highlighted the need for
Lawsuits that cripple journalists: Malta a protagonist in debate on press freedom
Media freedom and the abuse of lawsuits to silence

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