Court throws out decision on €600 million incinerator
Aqra bil-Malti. Multinational consortium Hitachi-Terna has won the appeal
After Christian Borg fallout, judiciary get their vehicles by direct order
The government has found a way to circumvent a
Malta slips Msida school project into post-Covid funding despite warnings
Malta has slipped the new €7 million price tag
Lands Authority cancels tender as chosen few keep ‘milking legal fees’
A Lands Authority tender intended to introduce some form
ECA flags Malta’s direct orders, same contractors repeatedly winning tenders
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) has flagged how
Minister says contractor is not his canvasser but refuses to explain
Social Accommodation Minister Roderick Galdes is refusing to explain
Flouting of procurement rules found at the National Literacy Agency
In its audit of the National Literacy Agency (NLA),
Judges force prime minister to cancel cars tender slated for accused kidnapper
Pressure by several members of the judiciary, including senior
MFSA issues €1.1 million direct order for office space
The financial services regulator is refusing to explain why
Gozo elderly home hits new snag as bidder claims illegal €30 million tender award
Gozo’s first ever public residential home for the elderly
Public contracts board set to decide on contested cleaning contracts worth over €11 million
The Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB) is currently evaluating
€247,908 tender awarded to company linked with member of kidnapping gang
A €247,908 tender was awarded to Princess Operations Ltd,
Labour pollster kept on seven year €370,000 retainer at MGA
Labour pollster Vince Marmara has been kept on retainer
The €4 billion debacle: how the government mismanaged the VGH concession
The National Audit Office’s (NAO) comprehensive investigation of the
Auditor General points to breach of procurement regulations by local councils
Throughout 2019, local councils did not always acquire goods

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