Rogue ODZ developer in Mgarr ix-Xini plays the sheep farm card
A Gozitan who developed his Outside Development Zone land
Four storey Għajnsielem flats, shops approved despite case officer refusal
The Planning Authority has approved a permit to construct
Prime minister’s boutique hotel application receives final sign off from PA
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia’s application
Planning Authority bows to Musumeci and clears major illegalities at Aria club
The Planning Authority has decided to sanction major illegalities
Deferred: Planning Authority postpones hearing on Joseph Portelli’s ODZ swimming pool in Xaghra
The Planning Authority has deferred a board hearing which
‘The system is completely broken, works in favour of illegal development’ – Ramblers Association
After being prevented from holding a press conference to
Sacked planning commission chair challenges minister over removal
Architect Simon Saliba, chairman of the Planning Authority board

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