Lands Authority tender to legalise public land takeover after false declarations
The Lands Authority allowed a block of flats to
Gozitan developer’s Naxxar sheep farm proposal latest in a string of similar applications
Gozitan developer Francesco Raniero Grima is seeking Planning Authority
Illegal batching plants to continue without permits for at least 4 years
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Illegal tarmac and concrete
Developer seeks sanctioning of illegal Qormi Wolt Market warehouse
According to a Planning Authority enforcement notice, the Qormi
Sofia inquiry confirms state’s ‘irregular, incompetent, disrespectful’ deficiencies
A public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul
‘The timing is suspicious’ – NGOs question Armier ‘cleanup’
Works carried out using heavy machinery at Armier Beach
Owner of steel fabrication business now another sheep farmer in Gozo
The owner of a Gozitan steel fabrication business is
Agriculture minister’s PA-sanctioned hotel opens for business
Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo and his wife have started
Prime minister’s boutique hotel application receives final sign off from PA
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia’s application
Planning Authority turns Gozitan
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has replaced five of ten
Prime minister’s mini hotel in Xewkija set for planning approval this week
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Planning Authority is this
No action from Planning Authority over Xemxija boatyard on public land
The Planning Authority has refused to act over a
Concerns about protected Għar il-Friefet reignited as planning refusal appealed
An application to demolish and replace a house with
47 years of illegalities on public land written-off for Ta’ Qali club UNO
The Planning Authority has sanctioned some 47 years of
PA finally acts on Portelli trucks dumping waste in Mgarr ix-Xini
A part of Mgarr Ix-Xini valley in Gozo, is
Natura 2000 Xlendi restaurant sanctioned for €1,800 fine
A large restaurant in a Natura 2000 protected area
Appeal hearing against flats in Ggantija slated for January as opposition surges
Tens of objectors have already asked the Environmental and
Gozo apartment owners risk losses as court declares property illegal following PA blunder
A newly constructed block of apartments in Xewkija, Gozo,
Squatters ordered out as Villa Frere risks collapse
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A Msida-based scaffolding company has
Architect, lawyer, planning consultant Musumeci now advising on pensions too
Robert Musumeci, an architect, lawyer, and recipient of multiple
UNESCO ambassador, culture minister silent on Ggantija apartments controversy
Malta’s Ambassador to UNESCO, Gozitan Monsignor Joe Vella Gauci,
Ex-PA boss moved to ministry after PM’s advisor replaces him in €100,000 job
Martin Saliba, the former executive chairperson of the Planning
Lands minister dismisses use of public land by restaurants in Valletta
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri dismissed concerns over restaurants and
Housing ministry rental reform to introduce limits already in place
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. An upcoming rent law reform
Prime Minister acquires land to expand guesthouse in Xewkija
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela
Marmara, Musumeci get more lucrative government consultancy contracts
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Labour pollster Vince Marmara and
Heritage watchdog, Planning Authority staff in employment conflict of interest
While the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (SCH) is supposed
After 45 years of illegalities, PA issues enforcement notice on Bidnija range
The Planning Authority issued an enforcement notice on the
Tourism minister’s family face penalty for running illegal carpark in Mellieħa
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s family, including his father Joseph,

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