Europe’s new media freedom law set to cause problems in Malta
European Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on Friday on
EP vote singles out Malta’s citizenship sale for ‘facilitating spyware operations’
After a year of investigations into the illicit use
Malta ignores EP’s spyware questions as it accommodates global chiefs
The European Parliament’s Pegasus spyware committee is grilling the
EP exposes growing web of global spyware chiefs’ interests in Malta
A draft report by a European Parliament committee investigating
Freedom House: government use of spyware creates human rights crisis
Governments’ use of spyware technology is increasing, giving them
More journalists file legal complaints after being targeted by Pegasus surveillance software
The list of legal challenges against NSO Group continues
Pegasus surveillance software: what is it and how does it affect you?
The Pegasus Project, an international effort coordinated by Forbidden
Dozens of journalists hacked by spyware company owned by Maltese citizen
Dozens of journalists were allegedly hacked with the help
Company marketing COVID-19 spyware linked to Maltese citizen arrested in US
An Israeli cyber-security company whose owner bought a Maltese
UN experts call for investigation into phone hacking claims
UN experts have expressed concern about allegations of the

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