Mayor critical of Minister Miriam Dalli increases votes in Qormi
Qormi mayor Josef Masini Vento, who publicly and vociferously
Minister deflects questions on Bonnici Brothers’ experience in power plants
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli has so far refused to
Planning Authority paves way for Enemalta’s rushed power plant
The Planning Authority is set to adopt amendments to
Citizens, civil society call for Melita pipeline to be dropped ahead of EU funding vote
Over 1,000 Maltese citizens and 14 NGOs have signed
Former Enemalta boss paid over €110,000 at new government agency
Jonathan Cardona, the former Enemalta CEO who was removed
Government takes another step to allow Birżebbuġa land grab
The government has taken what appears to be another
Engerer silent on contesting next MEP elections as party support dwindles
With the Labour Party beginning to roll out its
Labour reporter put on Wasteserv’s payroll as lawyer without warrant
CEO Richard Bilocca refuses to explain how he engaged
EXCLUSIVE: Enemalta chairman steps down seven months after appointment
Enemalta chairman Jonathan Scerri has stepped down after only
Taxpayers fund Steward’s debts on cancer equipment
The government has been forced to top the €90
Miriam Dalli refuses to give parliament information on public cash grants to developers
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli has again refused to reveal
Minister refuses to divulge names of developers receiving €4 million from Malta Enterprise
The government agency responsible for attracting foreign direct investment

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