TM senior official reinstated despite sexual harassment charges
Aqra bil-Malti A Transport Malta official on bail following
Sacked minister set to become ambassador but retains parliament seat
Sacked Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia is set to be
Abela hits panic button amid overpopulation woes
Prime Minister Robert Abela has ordered a number of
Construction reform blocked by Cabinet to avoid losing votes, public inquiry hears
The public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul
Identity Malta CEO’s army colleagues given part-time roles at the agency
Several Armed Forces of Malta soldiers known to be
Hard times: Brigadier cancels free milk rations at Transport Malta
Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi, who was appointed as Transport Malta’s
Why Abela’s done nothing
Why has Robert Abela completely ignored all the recommendations
Government ‘repeats’ 2013 AFM takeover, promotes deputy commander twice on same day
Following three weeks of office politics which left the
Selection of AFM Brigadier bogged down by bitter infighting over succession
Three weeks after former AFM Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi officially
Soldier fast-tracked to senior rank now leads Identity Malta despite controversy
Mark Mallia – President George Abela’s right-hand man at

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